Tag: Vladimir Petrov

Carppopolis започна финалната серия на Б група Запад с победа

Carpopolis започна финалната серия на Б група Запад с победа.

Carpopolis поведе с 1-0 отбора на Sports Talents във финалната серия от Б група на регион Запад.

Sports Talents започна срещата силно и натрупа солидна преднина още през първата четвърт, но момчетата на Николай Николов стигнаха до пълен обрат в началото на второто полувреме, а след равностойна последна част оформиха крайното 90-85.

Veselin Veselinov поведе тима си към успеха с 26 точки и 9 борби, а Gerasim Nikolov добави 24 точки, 5 асистенции и 4 борби.

On the other side Galimir Tomov distinguished himself for Sports Talents с 20 точки, 5 борби и 3 асистенции, а с 14 точки, 8 борби и 3 асистенции завърши Vladimir Petrov.


Carppopolis vs Sports Talents – a basketball match from the BBL B Group West playoffs.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
May 20, 2024 7:30 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL ББЛ Б група Запад плейофи сезон 2023/24 YouTube


Sp. Talents20281720085Loss


Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Veselin Sergeev Veselinov0:3781942.1161637.502366.6788100.00369010011502626
Gerasim Yavorov Nikolov0:4071741.184944.443837.5081172.73134524004952528
Nikolay Ognyanov Aladzhov0:0411100.0011100.00000.00000.000001000020-521
Todor Petrov Petrov0:211425.001333.33010.005683.33426100003515712
Daniel Hristov Hristov0:3841233.333933.331333.331250.0021301000218102
Danail Marinov Hristov0:3751338.463933.332450.001250.002911311001171318
Petyo Ivanov Ivanov0:213742.863742.86000.001250.0039120100133-5711
Total 2973322.942154324.79819187.52431406.061530451065021624259098

Sp. Talents

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Vasil Evgeniev Alexandrov0:224944.4411100.003837.505683.330551020025-121621
Ivan Dimitrov Ivanov0:15040.00010.00030.00000.000111000021-70-3
Galimir Mitkov Tomov0:2371450.001520.006966.67010.00145300001212021
Damian Rumenov Dikov0:08000.00000.00000.00000.000002100010200
Dimitar Stoychev Turpanov0:223560.002450.0011100.002540.0006643100537910
Alexander Nedyalkov Ivanov0:272366.672366.67000.00000.003581001020-14411
Todor Ivanov Kolev0:1931030.00010.003933.33000.00000210004019-1
Vladimir Chavdarov Petrov0:286785.716785.71000.002633.333583200024-41420
Georgi Ivov Chakarov0:2341330.773837.501520.00000.000006101030093
Slavcho Kostadinov Nuchev0:082366.6722100.00010.00000.001012000020144
Total 3168434.261732459.881436257.5918156.66826342583202415-258586

Микс Б прекрати победната серия на Спортни Таланти след драма с продължение

Микс Б прекрати победната серия на Спортни Таланти след драма с продължение

Mix B ended the winning streak of Sports Talents after a drama with a sequel.

Микс Б записа важна победа срещу Sports Talents в изключително напрегната битка от редовния сезон на Б група Запад.

Срещата премина през няколко смени на водачеството и редовното време завърши при равен резултат 69-69. Баскетболистите на Mix B обаче показаха повече борбеност и спечелиха добавеното време с 10-8, с което оформиха и крайното 79-77.

At the heart of success for Mix B was the strong performance of Lubomir Nedkov, който завърши с дабъл-дабъл от 22 точки и 13 борби, към които добави 7 откраднати топки и 4 асистенции, а Иван Неделчев се отчете с 21 пункта и 4 откраднати топки

On the other side Dimitar Turpanov записа силен дабъл-дабъл от 29 точки и 16 борби, а Vladimir Petrov добави 13 точки, 12 борби и 4 асистенции.


Mix B vs Sports Talents – basketball match from the regular season of the BBL B Group West.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
March 19, 2024 9:30 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL B West 23-24 YouTube


Mix B25719181079Victory
Sp. Talents19181913877Loss

Mix B

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Lubomir Nedkov Nedkov0:4072528.001137.6961250.002633.3349134173044102226
Georgi Stoyanov Mihailov0:22070.00010.00060.00000.000113010020-70-4
Ivan Kirilov Iliev0:3041233.334580.00070.003475.000662310023-3119
Veselin Georgiev Traikov0:294944.443650.001333.33020.003692040021-7916
Ivan Ivanov Nedelchev0:3371163.642450.005771.4322100.000332040022112126
Ivan Silviev Pavlov0:2531421.433650.00080.001520.001561100015172
Iliyan Itskov Varzoev0:423933.332633.331333.332540.0025754000245910
Total 2887224.171541271.021346188.091024268.3310354519917301519107985

Sp. Talents

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Damian Rumenov Dikov0:26030.00020.00010.00000.000665210011-107
Dimitar Stoychev Turpanov0:38112642.31102050.001616.6761060.0051116320013662929
Vasil Georgiev Hristov0:222540.002366.67020.00000.000331410001143
Krasimir Krasimirov Marinov0:192633.3311100.001520.00020.002352200032-353
Alexander Nedyalkov Ivanov0:262728.572728.57000.00020.0046101220041245
Todor Ivanov Kolev0:2921020.00010.002922.2222100.000551500033-681
Vladimir Chavdarov Petrov0:2751435.7141040.001425.0022100.0075124100121-151317
Georgi Ivov Chakarov0:3471643.7571353.85030.00000.0021012133014061412
Total 3187243.672657339.0953083.89101826020496918217032015-107777

В.И.С не успя да спре лидера в Б група на Запад

В.И.С не успя да спре лидера в Б група на Запад

V.I.S не успя да спре лидера в Б група на Запад.

Sports Talents продължава силното си представяне в Б група на Запад, като записа 15-та победа от общо 19 изиграни срещи до момента.

The boys of Damian Dikov категорично надиграха отбора на V.I.S през първите 3 части и заслужено се поздравиха с победата.

За пореден път над всички за отбора на Sports Talents бе капитана Dimitar Turpanov, който записа страхотен дабъл-дабъл от 30 точки 16 борби, както и 4 асистенции, а Vladimir Petrov се отчете с 16 точки, 9 борби и 5 асистенции.

On the other side Peter Slavkov distinguished himself for V.I.S с дабъл-дабъл от 19 точки и 17 борби, а с 16 точки и 8 борби завърши Desislav Georgiev.


Sports Talents vs V.I.S – basketball match from the regular season of the BBL B Group West.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
February 26, 2024 9:30 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL B West 23-24 YouTube


Sp. Talents24212717089Victory

Sp. Talents

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Vasil Evgeniev Alexandrov0:2651435.71010.0051338.46000.00044500002151514
Damian Rumenov Dikov0:26020.00010.00010.00000.0000030200201801
Dimitar Stoychev Turpanov0:32122157.14121770.59040.006785.71511164002034243043
Todor Ivanov Kolev0:3051145.451333.334850.001250.001348300021171516
Vladimir Chavdarov Petrov0:356875.0055100.001333.333475.00279503003281629
Georgi Ivov Chakarov0:241425.00010.001333.33000.000440420011532
Slavcho Kostadinov Nuchev0:2551145.4551050.00010.00000.0002243001418103
Total 3471283.752338253.921133155.121013210.7183139291072117108589108


Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Dimitar Goshev Gatev0:3531127.272633.331520.003560.001013110133-25103
Martin Nikolaev Sarov0:304944.444757.14020.005683.330224520014-151313
Trayan Plamenov Dimitrov0:193742.863560.00020.0022100.000222100013-389
Desislav Georgiev Georgiev0:3061060.003560.003560.001250.001782310013-151621
Alexander Ivaylov Pavlov0:101250.00000.001250.00000.0001110110001136
Vasil Boyanov Yordanov0:101425.00000.001425.00000.000110100001-631
Teodor Radkov Staykov0:310130.00050.00080.00000.001454000112-130-4
Peter Emilov Slavkov0:3291656.2591560.00010.0011100.00710170120031-191928
Total 2772305.822143270.476291551216393.3310273716127121017-857277

Спортни Таланти записа 13-та победа в ББЛ Запад Б

Спортни Таланти записа 13-та победа в ББЛ Запад Б

Sports Talents записа 13-та победа в ББЛ Запад Б.

Sports Talents продължава силното си представяне в ББЛ Запад Б с нова победа.

Този път баскетболистите на Sports Talents се наложиха над Enigma Fireworks B с 88-63, след като спечелиха всяка четвърт и не оставиха шанс на своя противник.

Georgi Chakarov направи страхотно включване от пейката и записа 26 точки, 9 борби и 5 асистенции за победата, а Vladimir Petrov се отчете с 10 точки, 5 борби и 5 асистенции, докато от другата страна Victor Germanov бе над всички за Енигма с 15 точки, 7 асистенции и 6 борби.


Sports Talents vs Enigma Fireworks B – basketball match from the regular season of the BBL B Group West.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
February 15, 2024 7:30 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL B West 23-24 YouTube


Sp. Talents21271723088Victory
Enigma B16161516063Loss

Sp. Talents

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Ivan Dimitrov Ivanov0:271425.00000.001425.00000.00448510002019310
Galimir Mitkov Tomov0:2262030.0051145.451911.11000.0020212100109130
Damian Rumenov Dikov0:204580.001250.0033100.001250.001123000001161216
Dimitar Stoychev Turpanov0:2831618.7531323.08030.006875.005611230020417129
Alexander Nedyalkov Ivanov0:223933.333650.00030.001250.00189101000210713
Todor Ivanov Kolev0:182825.0011100.001714.29000.0001120100001353
Vladimir Chavdarov Petrov0:284850.003650.001250.001250.003255120001231017
Georgi Ivov Chakarov0:31101283.3344100.006875.00000.000995220010182637
Total 3382345.412043418.531339275.49142251631472497024812588105

Enigma B

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Mladen Nikolaev Georgiev0:3451533.3351145.45040.00000.003693711030-17104
Lubomir Rosislavov Oresharov0:263933.3311100.002825.00000.001231201010-1584
Viktor Atanasov Germanov0:4071741.1861154.551616.67000.002467310011-251516
Andrei Mihai Dulgeru0:221250.00010.0011100.00000.0037103000021-19314
Martin Alexandrov Stamenov0:314944.4422100.002728.57000.000440010001-71011
Viktor Zlatkov Dimitrov0:08010.00000.00010.00000.001230100000-1801
Kaloyan Strahilov Marchev0:3582334.7871838.891520.00000.003251510011-24174
Total 2876237.062144338.89732190.24000132740151842084-1256354

Спортни Таланти не остави шанс на Политехника Б

Спортни Таланти не остави шанс на Политехника Б

Sports Talents не остави шанс на Политехника Б.

Sports Talents recorded a resounding success over Polytechnic B с 91-61 след страхотно второ полувреме.

Срещата бе равностойна през първите 20 минути игра, но след почивката момчетата на Damian Dikov влязоха в ритъм и натрупаха солидна преднина още преди края на третата четвърт.

All competitors from the composition of Sports Talents се разписаха за победата, а най-полезен за пореден път бе капитана на отбора Dimitar Turpanov с дабъл-дабъл от 21 точки и 13 борби, както и 6 асистенции. Georgi Chakarov and Vladimir Petrov също направиха силно представяне и отбелязаха съответно 18 и 16 пункта.

On the other side Christian Georgiev was above all for Polytechnic B with 10 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists, a Orlin Atanasov добави 7 точки, 4 откраднати топки, 3 борби и 2 асистенции.


Polytechnic B vs Sports Talents – basketball match from the regular season of the BBL B Group West.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
February 7, 2024 7:30 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL B West 23-24 YouTube


Polytechnic B1617820061Loss
Sp. Talents18172630091Victory

Polytechnic B

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Petko Georgiev Petkov0:171425.00020.001250.00000.001234030031-738
Orlin Valentinov Atanasov0:303933.332366.671616.67000.000332241021-2378
Yordan Stoychev Georgiev0:222633.332633.33000.001250.000331100051-125-1
Christian Georgiev Georgiev0:2441233.333650.001616.6711100.001565210022-171012
Antony Ivov Stamboliyski0:224757.144757.14000.0011100.001340210022-2399
Martin Ilianov Petrov0:2721315.381812.501520.0022100.001563311112-1674
Simeon Veselinov Simeonov0:262728.572633.33010.0022100.001122310011-2463
Kiril-Alexander Dragomirov Stoilov0:1741233.334850.00040.0022100.000110110022-17102
Dimitar Stanislavov Chelenkov0:061333.3311100.00020.00000.000112100010-821
Valeri Valeriev Nikolov0:0511100.0011100.00000.00000.000000000000-322
Total 2474392.742048502.97426103.3491055052429191512211912-1506148

Sp. Talents

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Vasil Evgeniev Alexandrov0:091250.00000.001250.00000.000111100010532
Ivan Dimitrov Ivanov0:14000.00000.00000.0022100.0003302000211322
Galimir Mitkov Tomov0:2751729.414944.441812.501250.00101411002218124
Damian Rumenov Dikov0:231520.001425.00010.0022100.00088312000112413
Dimitar Stoychev Turpanov0:2271070.007977.78010.0071070.00112136210027382138
Krasimir Krasimirov Marinov0:171425.00000.001425.00000.00011150002163-4
Alexander Nedyalkov Ivanov0:203742.863742.86000.00000.0036941100011616
Vladimir Chavdarov Petrov0:247977.786785.711250.001250.004153010012191623
Georgi Ivov Chakarov0:2771258.335862.502450.0022100.001232121211241818
Nikola Dimitrov Panorov0:122450.002366.67010.002366.67134212001214611
Total 3470423.382847404.96623187.51723536.6711374826151012121815091123

Спортни Таланти запази първото си място в Б група на Запад

Sportni Talanti retained its first place in B group in the West

Sports Talents retained first place in Group B in the West.

Sports Talents managed to keep their first position in BBL West B after a hard-fought victory over Avalon Zoom Design by 73-65.

The boys of Damian Dikov started the match strong and won the first part with a comfortable lead, which they kept until the end of the match and thus congratulated themselves with their 8th victory to date.

Five contestants from the composition of Sports Talents recorded a double-digit point asset, being above everyone else Vladimir Petrov with 13 points, 9 rebounds and 4 assists, a Dimitar Turpanov came off the bench and added 14 points, 7 rebounds and 3 assists.

For the team of Avalon Zoom Design Martin Dimitrov distinguished himself with 21 points and 5 assists, followed by Daniel Dikov, who added 14 points, 5 assists and 2 rebounds.


Avalon zoom design vs Sports Talents – basketball match from the regular season of the BBL B Group West.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
December 5, 2023 7:30 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL B West 23-24 YouTube


Sp. Talents20172016073Victory


Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Valentin Mihailov Kuntorov0:3541136.3641136.36000.001250.00510150610143-899
Nikolay Zhelev Georgiev0:3341233.332366.672922.22000.0002211000111104
Avi Daniel Mitrani0:271520.001520.00000.001250.000332210012-1233
Daniel Valeriev Dikov0:3851338.461425.004944.44000.000225230021-21412
Viktor Andreev Videnov0:254850.004757.14010.00000.002681100030-1189
Martin Vladimirov Dimitrov0:4081650.004666.6741040.001250.000005340004-82122
Total 2665228.151636271.841029106.66361507233014159011111-406559

Sp. Talents

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Ivan Dimitrov Ivanov0:271812.50030.001520.00000.003257120000439
Damian Rumenov Dikov0:221812.501250.00060.00000.00011210000002-3
Dimitar Stoychev Turpanov0:204757.143650.0011100.005683.33347312104311421
Alexander Nedyalkov Ivanov0:302450.002366.67010.00000.004590400011347
Todor Ivanov Kolev0:2541330.772366.6721020.002366.67011711002117129
Vladimir Chavdarov Petrov0:2841040.004580.00050.005683.333694000025121322
Georgi Ivov Chakarov0:215862.501250.004666.67000.00336240002041413
Slavcho Kostadinov Nuchev0:2351145.454666.671520.00000.001342200000-1119
Total 2669310.861730430.01939226.671215233.3317254227145101110407387

В.И.С. доминира над София Викингс за убедителна победа

V.I.S. dominated Sofia Vikings for a convincing win

V.I.S. dominates over Sophia Vikings for a convincing victory. In an interesting meeting in the "Triaditsa" hall, V.I.S. demonstrate his dominance by winning Sophia Vikings by a score of 86-58.

From the very beginning, V.I.S. set the pace, taking a sizable 36-19 lead into the first quarter. In the second half, they continued to increase their advantage, ending the first half with a score of 62-31. The team's excellent performance was highlighted by their impressive shooting success rate from the 57%.

Martin Sarov with his dynamic play contributed 11 points and 6 rebounds, while the captain Dimitar Gatev added 12 points and 10 rebounds to his total. Vladimir Petrov was the top performer, scoring 17 points with a success rate of 80%. From the bench Christian Velikov and Vilian Georgiev made a significant contribution, realizing 14 points each.

On the other hand, Sophia Vikings they struggled to find their rhythm. Mikhail Tsonkov was the team's leading scorer with 21 points, but the team's overall success rate was just 33%. Veselin Dobrev tried to lift the team's spirits with his 16 points, but it was not enough to hold off the opposition.

V.I.S. continued to maintain his advantage, securing a convincing victory that cemented his position in the provisional standings, while Sophia Vikings will look for ways to rally and come back stronger in their next meeting.