Tag: Vencislav Kostov

Титан Пропъртис В не се смили над Вихрен Сандански

Титан Пропъртис В не се смили над Вихрен Сандански

Titan Properties V don't feel sorry for Vihren Sandanski.

Категорична победа със 106-64 записа отбора на Titan Properties V vs Vihren Sandanski в зала „Триадица“.

The basketball players of Martin Tsvetanov спечелиха всяка четвърт от срещата и не оставиха никакъв шанс на своя съперник.

Ivan Serafimov бе над всички за победата с дабъл-дабъл от 27 точки и 14 борби от пейката, а Christian Lukanov се отличи с 21 точки, 5 борби и 3 асистенции.

On the other side the captain of Vihren Sandanski Vencislav Kostov направи силен мач и записа дабъл-дабъл от 19 точки и 10 борби, както и 5 асистенции а с 13 точки и 2 борби от пейката се отчете Михаил Минчев.


Vihren Sandanski vs Titan Properties V – basketball match from the BBL regular season in the West group.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
March 24, 2024 2:00 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL In West 23-24 YouTube


A whirlwind13191121064Loss
Titan V183027310106Victory

A whirlwind

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Vencislav Evgeniev Kostov0:3692142.8681747.061425.00020.0028105820421-35199
Yordan Blagoev Arnaudov0:201250.001250.00000.0022100.001121300011-2143
Iliya Valentinov Beshkov0:201714.291425.00030.00000.000221230000-2120
Konstantin Kristianov Urumov0:1931030.003837.50020.00000.001341110220-2160
Christopher Marian Kanev0:1931030.003742.86030.00000.001230000020-2160
Deyan Lubomirov Uzunov0:2551145.454850.001333.33000.000331210141-34114
Vasilen Stoyanov Vassilev0:201425.00000.001425.00000.000111210010-2130
Dear Andonov Yankov0:19030.00030.00000.00020.001122100111-210-3
Mikhail Lyubomirov Minchev0:185771.4333100.002450.001250.000220000021-151311
Total 2875309.032352352.42523133.3338150623291219808155-2106424

Titan V

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Georgi Nikolaev Doctorov0:192728.572450.00030.00000.00134932001212412
Ivan Stefanov Serafimov0:24111764.71101662.5011100.004666.6795142301023242734
Tsvetelin Vasilev Velchev0:262633.332633.33000.00000.00156433000039410
Christian Emilov Lukanov0:2491090.0091090.00000.003560.001453300003272126
Borislav Stoyanov Stamenov0:215862.505771.43010.0022100.00110113112011181225
Asparukh Nedelchev Chepishev0:253742.863742.86000.0051050.0029111005016261124
Vencislav Dobromirov Grozev0:2861735.2961442.86030.00000.006394040000281218
Plamen Ivaylov Angelov0:2961346.153650.003742.86000.000005220000361513
Total 4485403.414070442.98415142.861423276.6721396031151280515210106162

Рутинна нова победа записа отбора на Славия

Рутинна нова победа записа отбора на Славия

Рутинна нова победа записа отбора на Slavia.

Slavia prevailed over Vihren Sandanski с 69-48 в среща от редовния сезон на ББЛ Запад В, изиграна в зала „Триадица“.

The basketball players of Kostadin Kostov натрупаха лека преднина преди почивката, а след силно второ полувреме подсигуриха успеха си.

Alexander Stoyanov направи добро представяне за Slavia и завърши със 17 точки и 4 борби, а Yasen Milov добави 11 точки, 3 борби и 3 асистенции.

For the team of Vihren Sandanski Vencislav Kostov записа 10 точки, 6 борби и 5 асистенции, а Vencislav Bizhev and Ivan Argirov отбелязаха по 10 пункта, но това не бе достатъчно да спрат отбора на Slavia.


Slavia vs Vihren Sandanski – basketball match from the BBL regular season in the West group.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
March 17, 2024 3:00 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL In West 23-24 YouTube


A whirlwind161598048Loss


Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Boyan Georgiev Boyanov0:133650.003475.00020.001250.000440110001978
Yasen Atanasov Milov0:1841040.001333.333742.86020.00123321000114119
Mario Nikolaev Nikolov0:05030.00010.00020.00000.000000110001-90-2
Alexander Genadiev Grigorov0:123650.003475.00020.00000.0011211100011067
Viktor Borislavov Kostov0:2221118.182728.57040.0022100.00101210012166-3
Veselin Ivaylov Kamenov0:322540.002366.67020.00020.0004420300341349
Ivaylo Ivanov Iliev0:121425.001250.00020.00000.0003300100001023
Thomas Emilov Velev0:172633.332633.33000.003475.005510220100215715
Alexander Milenov Stoyanov0:2381172.7371070.0011100.00000.00314024110191721
Georgi Stoyanov Georgiev0:05000.00000.00000.0022100.001121110001-926
Victor Branimirov Belchev0:203650.002366.671333.33020.00156303000121715
Борис Борисов Феликс0:14000.00000.00000.00020.0014502000221601
Ioannis Vangelis Mansoudis0:00000.00000.00000.00000.000000000000000
Total 2868379.242343498.57525176.19818325143044141316227161056989

A whirlwind

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Vencislav Evgeniev Kostov0:3741233.332633.332633.33000.002465511021-19109
Vencislav Georgiev Bizhev0:3051338.4651145.45020.00000.002460311130-15103
Ivan Yavorov Argirov0:3031225.0031030.00020.0044100.002240220116-14109
Iliya Valentinov Beshkov0:2831030.003560.00050.00000.001343510010-1661
Christopher Marian Kanev0:232450.002366.67010.00000.000111010030-1142
Vasilen Stoyanov Vassilev0:0811100.00000.0011100.00000.001120200010-1132
Dear Andonov Yankov0:21010.00000.00010.00000.000222330030-1000
Mikhail Lyubomirov Minchev0:192922.221520.001425.00000.001781110020-955
Total 2062299.011640255.45422158.33441009243312211022167-1054831

Миньор 2015 В записа разгромна победа на свой терен

Миньор 2015 В записа разгромна победа на свой терен

Miner 2015 V записа разгромна победа на свой терен.

Miner 2015 V leave no chance to Vihren Sandanski и се наложи с 94-40 в среща от редовния сезон на В група Запад в зала „Борис Гюдеров“.

Възпитаниците на Милен Дудев доминираха през цялото време и заслужено се поздравиха с домакинска победа.

Denis Grigorov направи страхотно представяне за домакините и завърши с 39 точки, 5 асистенции и 4 борби, а Kamen Kamenov се отличи с дабъл-дабъл от 15 точки и 13 асистенции, към които добави и 7 борби, докато от другата страна Vencislav Kostov was above all for Vihren Sandanski с 21 точки и 5 борби.


Miner 2015 V vs Vihren Sandanski – basketball match from the BBL regular season in the West group.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
February 29, 2024 8:00 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL In West 23-24 YouTube


Miner V28192918094Victory
A whirlwind715612040Loss

Miner V

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Kamen Mitkov Kamenov0:2661250.003650.003650.00000.0025713410012501527
Boris Georgiev Petkov0:203560.0022100.001333.3311100.00044401001125815
Kaloyan Georgiev Yordanov0:141250.00010.0011100.00000.0023500000301734
Krasi Tsvetanov Savov0:161425.001425.00000.00000.001670202020724
Denis Grigorov Grigorov0:27172277.27121675.005683.33010.000445340013393945
Bogomil Radislavov Lozanov0:2041233.332450.002825.00000.000334130000391011
Nikolay Nikolaev Mihailov0:202540.002540.00000.001250.00268020200121510
Svetomir Biserov Raichev0:181250.001250.00000.0022100.0001123101011544
Borislav Veselinov Vasilev0:151425.001333.33010.00000.0012311200002424
Evan Iskrenov Ivanov0:193650.003650.00000.00010.00314000100333610
Total 3974460.62749473.331225291.66472501135462916125181127094134

A whirlwind

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Vencislav Evgeniev Kostov0:3181650.0061154.552540.003475.000550310035-492117
Yordan Blagoev Arnaudov0:17040.00030.00010.00000.000220500210-260-10
Ivan Yavorov Argirov0:221812.501616.67020.00000.000114110010-282-1
Iliya Valentinov Beshkov0:201250.001250.00000.00000.002021200010-1921
Kiril Krasimirov Nedelkov0:171425.001250.00020.00000.001121200011-2520
Konstantin Kristianov Urumov0:172922.222825.00010.00000.001340311111-214-1
Christopher Marian Kanev0:091333.331250.00010.00000.000330020000-425
Dimitar Mirchev Vassilev0:12020.00000.00020.00000.000220410000-110-3
Deyan Lubomirov Uzunov0:222728.571425.001333.33000.000110100211-365-2
Vasilen Stoyanov Vassilev0:091333.3311100.00020.00000.001010010000-1722
Dear Andonov Yankov0:18030.00010.00020.00000.001342400020-340-3
Total 1761254.951440371.2232173.33347562127825715118-270405

Политехника В не срещна затруднения като домакин на Вихрен Сандански

Политехника В не срещна затруднения като домакин на Вихрен Сандански

Polytechnic V had no difficulty hosting the Vihren Sandanski.

Polytechnic V записа домакинска победа над Vihren Sandanski със 77-58.

Възпитаниците на Александър Драгичевич спечелиха всяка четвърт и не оставиха шанс на своя съперник.

Над всички за домакините бе Ivan Sokolov с 15 точки, 4 борби, 4 асистенции и 4 откраднати топки, следван от Boris Petkov, който влезе от пейката и записа 14 точки и 7 борби.

For the team of Vihren Sandanski Vencislav Kostov се отчете с 18 точки, 7 борби и 3 асистенции, а Vencislav Bizhev added 9 points and 6 rebounds.


Polytechnic V vs Vihren Sandanski – basketball match from the BBL regular season in the West group.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
February 18, 2024 4:00 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL In West 23-24 YouTube


Polytechnic V20221520077Victory
A whirlwind14161315058Loss

Polytechnic V

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Boris Borisov Petkov0:296875.004580.002366.67000.001671410011151417
Svetlin Persian Parvanov0:021333.331333.33000.00000.001120000000322
Kiril Dimitrov Pavlov0:254580.003475.0011100.00000.00268020100017915
Yanislav Dimitrov Dimitrov0:2151050.005955.56010.0022100.00167100001141215
Yasen Yasenov Yakov0:213742.862366.671425.002450.001340100122295
Dimitar Stanislavov Chelenkov0:111520.001333.33020.00000.00000100000022-1
Ivan Valeriev Sokolov0:3141136.362366.672825.005862.500444440036151516
Ben Shlomo Weisel0:222540.002450.00010.00020.000333820042184-3
Danilo Mochalov Mochalov0:13010.00010.00000.001250.001230000011-312
Metodi Krasimirov Mertakchiiski0:02010.00010.00000.00000.000110001000301
Konstantin Dimitrov Gigov0:0211100.0011100.00000.0011100.001120100001335
Peter Stanislavov Penchev0:143650.003650.00000.00000.0010110000201663
Total 3063527.552443610.56620216.671119362.59334211207211414957777

A whirlwind

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Vencislav Evgeniev Kostov0:2871163.645862.502366.672450.000773210043-101820
Vencislav Georgiev Bizhev0:224944.444757.14020.001250.0015601010242911
Yordan Blagoev Arnaudov0:15020.00010.00010.00000.000110200020-170-5
Iliya Valentinov Beshkov0:12030.00000.00030.00000.000000000000-210-3
Kiril Krasimirov Nedelkov0:251911.111616.67030.002450.001010110023-174-4
Konstantin Kristianov Urumov0:283650.003560.00010.0011100.000223140003-3715
Martin Roman Velinov0:021250.001250.00000.00000.000000000000-321
Christopher Marian Kanev0:0211100.0011100.00000.00000.000110000000-623
Dimitar Mirchev Vassilev0:242633.3311100.001520.0011100.001450200111064
Deyan Lubomirov Uzunov0:182825.00030.002540.00000.000221520030-176-4
Vasilen Stoyanov Vassilev0:02020.00020.00000.00000.000000000100-30-3
Dear Andonov Yankov0:1622100.0022100.00000.00000.001231130010049
Total 2361477.521838546.31523126.677123504242881511121514-955844

Септември с нова победа във В група на Запад

September with another win in Group B in the West

September with another win in Group B in the West.

September celebrated victory number 10 in the BBL West B Championship after beating Vihren Sandanski by 70-47.

Already in the first part, Nikolay Spasov's boys gained a double-digit lead, which continued to grow until the end of the meeting.

The captain of September Ioan Minkov was most useful in the victory with a double-double of 25 points and 13 rebounds, as well as 8 assists, followed by Nikolay Devedzhiev, who also recorded a double-double with 16 points and 13 rebounds.

On the other side, it was the most productive Nikola Chapkenov with 14 points, and the team captain Vencislav Kostov recorded 10 points, 8 assists and 5 rebounds.


Vihren Sandanski vs September – basketball match from the BBL regular season in the West group.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
January 28, 2024 2:00 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL In West 23-24 YouTube


A whirlwind1017911047Loss

A whirlwind

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Vencislav Evgeniev Kostov0:3551145.455955.56020.00000.000558210020-221014
Nikola Nikolaev Chapkenov0:2851435.7141136.361333.3333100.000440300002-14148
Vencislav Georgiev Bizhev0:252540.002540.00000.001333.3337103110202-11513
Yordan Blagoev Arnaudov0:151425.001333.33010.00000.000111101010-720
Iliya Valentinov Beshkov0:131520.001425.00010.00000.000110100010-192-3
Kiril Krasimirov Nedelkov0:191812.50040.001425.00000.000001200110-163-7
Konstantin Kristianov Urumov0:24050.00040.00010.00000.000660320010-90-1
Nikola-Veliyan Lachezarov Simeonov0:2751145.4551050.00010.001250.005381110121-211111
Martin Roman Velinov0:04010.00000.00010.00000.00000120000030-2
Christopher Marian Kanev0:03010.00000.00010.00000.000110000000100
Total 2065224.111850240.2521558.3358183.3382836151651485-1154733


Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Hristo Svetoslavov Draganov0:06000.00000.00000.00000.000110101000101
Ioan Veselinov Minkov0:35112152.3891369.232825.001250.0058138061102262543
Nikolay Ivanov Devedzhiev0:3172133.3372133.33000.002633.3367131110024291613
Georgi Milenov Velev0:211714.291616.67010.00000.0034701110001624
Veselin Alexandrov Kamenov0:3351050.005771.43030.002450.000444411022241211
Tsvetelin Simeonov Yovev0:201520.001250.00030.00000.0025730200101029
Ivan Nikolaev Okoliyski0:04000.00000.00000.00000.001120000000-302
Andrey Nikolaev Troyanov0:121425.00010.001333.33000.001122300010030
Georgi Georgiev Kovachev0:163475.003475.00000.00000.000110000000366
Dimitar Ivaylov Vukadinov0:172825.002540.00030.00000.000551100000943
Total 31802952859355.6632158.33512133.3318375519111141681157092

Вихрен Сандански се наложи над Политехника В пред собствена публика

Vihren Sandanski prevailed over Polytechnic B in front of its own audience

Vihren Sandanski prevailed over Polytechnic V in front of your own audience.

Vihren Sandanski pleased the fans in Sandanski Hall with success over Polytechnic V with 61-54 after a dominant last quarter.

The captain of Vihren Sandanski Vencislav Kostov led his team to success with 15 points, 9 rebounds and 5 assists, a Ivan Argirov came on strong off the bench and scored 15 points.

For Polytechnic V Ivan Sokolov had a strong performance and recorded 21 points and 8 rebounds, but it was not enough for a first victory in the championship.


Vihren Sandanski vs Polytechnic V – basketball match from the BBL regular season in the West group.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
November 11, 2023 2:00 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL In West 23-24 YouTube


A whirlwind14131222061Victory
Polytechnic V10181610054Loss

A whirlwind

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Vencislav Evgeniev Kostov0:3661637.503933.333742.86020.003695420043101514
Ivan Yavorov Argirov0:212450.0022100.00020.00111478.57033011002831518
Iliya Valentinov Beshkov0:17050.00030.00020.00000.002350100020-40-3
Kiril Krasimirov Nedelkov0:252728.571520.001250.0061637.50224050122910111
Konstantin Kristianov Urumov0:2341040.003837.501250.001250.0015614101511102
Nikola-Veliyan Lachezarov Simeonov0:3531421.4331225.00020.004850.00115162321026181017
Dimitar Mirchev Vassilev0:01000.00000.00000.00000.000000000000-200
Deyan Lubomirov Uzunov0:19020.00000.00020.00000.000000210022-10-3
Dear Andonov Yankov0:17050.00040.00010.00000.00112101002000-3
Total 1763177.51243215.83520142.862242216.072025459208232129356143

Polytechnic V

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Boris Borisov Petkov0:241714.291714.29000.001250.002350321121-183-1
Svetlin Persian Parvanov0:243742.863560.00020.004580.0002212300337109
Ivan Valeriev Sokolov0:2791850.0091369.23050.003742.86448251004772117
Andrey Nikolaev Hristov0:02000.00000.00000.00000.00000000003060-3
Ben Shlomo Weisel0:171333.331333.33000.00000.000442410142-1820
Yanislav Dimitrov Dimitrov0:253837.502540.001333.33000.001450201051-272
Yasen Yasenov Yakov0:221425.001250.00020.00000.001340210010821
Bogdan Lyubomirov Nakov0:271520.001425.00010.002450.001451610024-1741
Danilo Mochalov Mochalov0:131333.331333.33000.00000.000221110030-520
Peter Stanislavov Penchev0:131250.001250.00000.001333.331120001022-333
Total 2157306.312044375.1811333.331121256.1910273772510322920-355429

The Throwers с доминираща победа над Вихрен Сандански

The Throwers with a dominant win over Vihren Sandanski

The Throwers with a dominant win over Vihren Sandanski.

In a match of the regular season of BBL West B, played in Overgaz Arena, the team of The Throwers prevailed categorically over Vihren Sandanski by a score of 76-43.

The young team of A whirlwind started the meeting tentatively and scored only 11 points in the first half. They were the most useful for the team Vencislav Kostov with 9 points and 6 rebounds and Ivan Argirov with 9 points and 5 rebounds.

For the team of The Throwers, Viktor Delistoyanov had a strong night and recorded 17 points and 4 rebounds, a Martin Nikolov added 14 points and 9 rebounds.

With this victory, the team of The Throwers is in second position in the provisional standings with 4 consecutive victories, and the rookie in the championship Vihren Sandanski continues to look for his first victory.