Tag: Sean Daamen

Етър 49 надигра МУ Варна след силна последна четвърт

Ether 49 outplayed MU Varna after a strong final quarter.

Ether 49 измъкна трудна победа от отбора на MU Varna със 102-94 в среща за разпределението от 5-то до 8-мо място от Националните финали на Б група.

Срещата бе равностойна до самия край, но след няколко смени на водачеството и силна последна част, баскетболистите на Ether 49 се поздравиха с победата.

Milen Dimitrov бе над всички за своя тим с дабъл-дабъл от 19 точки и 10 борби, към които добави и 3 асистенции, Martin Nedev се отчете с 18 точки и 6 борби, а Nikolai Varbanov записа дабъл-дабъл от 16 точки и 11 борби, както и 4 асистенции за по-малко от 19 минути на терена.

The team of MU Varna отбеляза впечатляващите 21 тройки, което обаче не бе достатъчно, за да спрат отбора на Ether 49.

Above all for MU Varna it was Tim Daamen, който отбеляза 9 тройки и завърши с 34 точки, 5 борби и 4 асистенции, следван от Reece Noah с дабъл-дабъл от 18 точки и 10 борби, както и 3 асистенции, а Sean Daamen се отличи с 10 точки, 11 асистенции и 4 борби.


Етър 49 vs МУ Варна – баскетболна среща от Националните финали на Б група.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League TV
June 1, 2024 1:00 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL YouTube


Ether 49262626240102Victory
MU Varna25213018094Loss

Ether 49

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Nikolay Mitkov Varbanov0:1866100.0066100.00000.004666.6729114202025161632
Milen Petrov Dimitrov0:1981747.0671353.851425.0022100.0055103220021-111921
Ivaylo Plamenov Alexandrov0:154850.004850.00000.003650.00426012003321111
Nikolay Vasilev Vasilev0:05020.00020.00000.00000.001011000000-200
Mitko Ivanov Mitkov0:284850.004850.00000.003475.003255010033201117
Preslav Danielov Gachkov0:00000.00000.00000.00000.000000000000-100
Martin Veselinov Nedev0:4072429.1741822.223650.0011100.0033614210218186
Alexander Atanasov Genov0:3761735.2941136.362633.33000.0048122430021-11415
Boris Dimitrov Tashkov0:3441040.001425.003650.002450.003584112013101321
Viktor Kaloyanov Bakalov0:00000.00000.00000.00000.000000000000-100
Total 3992351.523070337.43922158.331523441.6725345920141150151740102123

MU Varna

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Ilhan Hasanov Arabadjiev0:121333.3311100.00020.00000.001562100010-226
Plamen Stefkov Bekyarov0:244944.442450.002540.00000.001122000011-18109
Milen Milenov Cholakov0:353650.001250.002450.00000.002793810051-486
Ivan Stefanov Monev0:05010.00000.00010.00000.00000010000080-2
Georgi Gavrailov Gavrailov0:104580.00000.004580.00000.001010210010-31210
Rees Miklos Noah0:3671838.893742.8641136.36000.0046103300242-51813
Tim Polman Daamen0:37123040.003560.0092536.001425.000554120243-93419
Sean Polman Daamen0:3731323.0831225.00010.004757.1413411210137-71013
Total 3485309.741331327.862154242.3651182.1410273725185051914-409474

Шоутайм Б отново е шампион на Б група Изток

Showtime B отново е шампион на Б група Изток.

Showtime B завърши подобаващо силният си сезон в Б група на Изток, като спечели финалната серия срещу MU Varna и се окичи със златните медали.

The basketball players of MU Varna започнаха силно втората среща от серията и стигнаха до двуцифрена преднина още в началото на втората част, но след страхотна трета четвърт момчетата на Tatios Pamukchian успяха да натрупат сериозна разлика, която задържаха до края на срещата и оформиха крайното 96-79.

Berk Mehmed бе награден за най-полезен играч във финалната серия, след като завърши втората среща с дабъл-дабъл от 33 точки и 10 борби, а Andy Francis се отчете със 17 точки, 6 борби и 6 асистенции.

On the other side Hristo Ganchev се отличи с 22 точки и 4 борби за отбора на MU Varna, а с 16 точки, 6 борби и 3 асистенции завърши Sean Daamen.


MU Varna vs Showtime B – a basketball match from the BBL B Group East playoffs.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
May 26, 2024 4:00 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL ББЛ Б група Изток плейофи сезон 2023/24 YouTube


MU Varna24191521079Loss
Showtime B19263318096Victory

MU Varna

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Svetoslav Lachezarov Dobrilov0:222450.002450.00000.001250.002570310232-1754
Ilhan Hasanov Arabadjiev0:2631030.001425.002633.33000.002466330040-989
Milen Milenov Cholakov0:2851631.255955.56070.002450.004594300034-121210
Plamen Yordanov Petkov0:12030.00000.00030.00000.000113020031501
Hristo Georgiev Ganchev0:3391464.2971163.642366.672366.672241420033-162219
Rees Miklos Noah0:142540.002366.67020.00000.000220310033-141
Tim Polman Daamen0:2031030.001333.332728.5744100.000110100032-16124
Sean Polman Daamen0:3671838.8951241.672633.33010.002463110022-131613
Georg Alexander Friese0:03000.00000.00000.00000.000000100020-60-3
Total 3180284.432346335.87834161.9914266.67122436171910022617-857958

Showtime B

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Manuel Popovski Popovski0:0511100.0011100.00000.001250.001230100012-535
Svilen Krassimirov Kunev0:09010.00010.00000.00000.001230300010-50-2
Miroslav Svetlozarov Bogdanov0:112633.332540.00010.001250.001121210021151
Boyan Tsvetanov Todorov0:18020.00010.00010.001250.000001100013-110
Andy Iriorechi Francis0:215683.3355100.00010.007977.781566011025221731
Berk Zuhtyu Mehmed0:29111957.8971070.004944.4471163.6428103110006203340
Ivan Ivanov Zhivkov0:296875.003560.0033100.0033100.000664510021251821
Stoyan Petrov Ganev0:152366.672366.67000.001250.0012312010322355
Stanimir Krassimirov Stankov0:081333.331333.33000.003650.004260210003-558
Emil Orlinov Naydenov0:181425.001250.00020.00020.000110010022162-1
Stoyan Yordanov Cheshmedjiev0:213560.003560.00000.001250.0012333200012710
Hristo Milkov Miletov0:10020.00000.00020.00000.000330310030-80-4
Total 3260534.552541580719144.442541541.42123446192392017268596114

Шоутайм Б с категорична първа победа във финалната серия на Изток

Showtime B с категорична първа победа във финалната серия на Изток.

Showtime B записа победа със 101-82 над MU Varna и поведе с 1-0 във финалната серия на Б група Изток.

Срещата започна равностойно, но още през втората част баскетболистите на Showtime B натрупаха двуцифрена преднина, която продължи да се увеличава до края.

The basis of the victory was the great performance of Stoyan Ganev, който завърши с дабъл-дабъл от 25 точки и 15 борби, а с 20 точки, 7 борби и 6 асистенции се отличи Ivan Zhivkov.

For the team of MU Varna Sean Daamen бе над всички с 25 точки и 6 борби, а Milen Cholakov added 17 points and 7 rebounds.


Showtime B vs MU Varna – a basketball match from the BBL B Group East playoffs.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
May 23, 2024 7:30 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL ББЛ Б група Изток плейофи сезон 2023/24 YouTube


Showtime B243133130101Victory
MU Varna23202217082Loss

Showtime B

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Alexander Ivanov Ivanov0:164757.144580.00020.0022100.00123001001271012
Svilen Krassimirov Kunev0:04010.00010.00000.00000.001120000000-401
Miroslav Svetlozarov Bogdanov0:08030.00020.00010.0022100.00000100004122-3
Boyan Tsvetanov Todorov0:214580.001250.0033100.00000.00022511002081115
Berk Zuhtyu Mehmed0:2692045.0071163.642922.221425.001452110023212115
Ivan Ivanov Zhivkov0:3041233.332540.002728.571010100.001676210028182030
Stoyan Petrov Ganev0:23101662.5091560.0011100.0044100.0087151301024122535
Viktor Ivaylov Nikolov0:03010.00000.00010.00000.00000000001010-2
Emil Orlinov Naydenov0:332728.57020.002540.002633.3314520100432586
Stoyan Yordanov Cheshmedjiev0:172450.002366.67010.00000.001453100031547
Hristo Milkov Miletov0:12010.00010.00000.00000.00303010004000-3
Total 3577356.542547360.311030290.792128458.33173047209510252295101113

MU Varna

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Svetoslav Lachezarov Dobrilov0:121250.001250.00000.00000.003470100010-626
Ilhan Hasanov Arabadjiev0:2051050.005862.50020.00000.003361100031-4109
Plamen Stefkov Bekyarov0:071250.0011100.00010.00000.000000000011121
Milen Milenov Cholakov0:2751435.713742.862728.575683.332572100137-181718
Plamen Yordanov Petkov0:181520.0011100.00040.0022100.001454000012-12410
Hristo Georgiev Ganchev0:263837.502633.331250.002633.332241110034-2596
Georgi Gavrailov Gavrailov0:04030.00000.00030.00000.00101100000040-1
Rees Miklos Noah0:273837.502540.001333.332450.000442110045-1699
Tim Polman Daamen0:192825.002450.00040.00000.001120300020-74-5
Sean Polman Daamen0:27101855.5691560.001333.3344100.003361200034-132523
Georg Alexander Friese0:07000.00000.00000.00000.000110000011101
Total 3178361.272649538.69529145.231522366.6616274312102012225-958277

МУ Варна изравни полуфиналната серия с Bay Kings Varna

MU Varna изравни полуфиналната серия с Bay Kings Varna.

MU Varna записа победа с 91-84 срещу Bay Kings Varna и изпрати полуфиналната серия в решаваща трета среща.

Домакините контролираха срещата през повечето време и дори стигнаха до аванс от 20 точки. Баскетболистите на Bay Kings Varna обаче не се предадоха до края и успяха да стопят голяма част от разликата, но не и да стигнат до пълен обрат.

Над всички за успеха на MU Varna it was Sean Daamen, който записа 30 точки, 3 борби и 2 асистенции, следван от Reece Noah, който добави 11 точки, 8 борби и 7 асистенции със 100% успеваемост при стрелбата, а Ilhan Arabadzhiev tallied 18 points and 9 rebounds.

For the team of Bay Kings Varna Tsvetomir Kurtev се отличи с 18 точки, 7 асистенции и 4 борби, Zheleslav Nenkov записа дабъл-дабъл от 21 точки и 11 борби, а с 19 точки, 5 борби и 3 асистенции завърши Lubomir Keremedchiev.


МУ Варна vs Bay Kings Varna – a basketball match from the BBL B Group East playoffs.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
May 17, 2024 8:15 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL ББЛ Б група Изток плейофи сезон 2023/24 YouTube


MU Varna21272617091Victory
Bay kings21162324084Loss

MU Varna

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Svetoslav Lachezarov Dobrilov0:05000.00000.00000.00020.001010010031-70-2
Ilhan Hasanov Arabadjiev0:2881361.547887.501520.001250.002791340032321822
Plamen Stefkov Bekyarov0:01000.00000.00000.00000.000000100020-40-3
Milen Milenov Cholakov0:3141136.364580.00060.002450.0053845200544109
Plamen Yordanov Petkov0:14060.00040.00020.00000.001230000130-100-7
Hristo Georgiev Ganchev0:3231127.273742.86040.001425.0024641101322074
Rees Miklos Noah0:2644100.0011100.0033100.00020.002687220032171123
Tim Polman Daamen0:2661442.863742.863742.86000.000110100021-7156
Sean Polman Daamen0:34101855.5681266.672633.3381266.671232411126-103024
Total 3577323.592644419.89933196.191226191.67142539181711132618359176

Bay kings

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Petar Stilyanov Markov0:0311100.0011100.00000.00000.001120000020222
Zheleslav Deskov Nenkov0:2391947.3781457.141520.0022100.0047111411043-22119
Tsvetomir Nedelchev Kurtev0:2851338.463560.002825.0066100.001347101045-101821
Lubomir Lubomirov Keremedchiev0:3672133.3361346.151812.504666.671453710117111910
Pavel Dmitrievich Georgiev0:303742.863742.86000.006875.0047110400017-161219
Tsvetelin Yankov Stoyanov0:162366.6711100.001250.00000.001012010022258
Ivaylo Vankov Petkov0:08000.00000.00000.00020.001011000001301
Veselin Kochev Mladenov0:15010.00000.00010.00000.000111200030-30-4
Daniel Petrov Yovchev0:081250.0011100.00010.00000.001120010001-125
Дмитро Каплаушенко Каплаушенко0:292633.331250.001425.00000.002681301030-2155
Total 3073412.022444556.15629132.51824341.6716304616214312026-358486

Bay Kings Varna удържа МУ Варна за първа победа в полуфиналите

Bay Kings Varna holds MU Varna за първа победа в полуфиналите.

Bay Kings Varna записа първа победа в полуфиналната серия от ББЛ Изток Б, като се наложи над MU Varna със 79-74 след изключително равностойна битка.

Домакините стигнаха до пълен обрат в заключителните минути, след като спечелиха последната четвърт с 18-8.

The basis of the victory was the great performance of Tsvetomir Kurtev, който завърши с 28 точки, 9 борби и 6 асистенции, а Димитро Каплаушенко се отчете с дабъл-дабъл от 23 точки и 11 борби.

For the team of MU Varna Sean Daamen записа 19 точки, 5 борби и 4 асистенции, а Tim Daamen добави 19 пункта от пейката.


Bay Kings Varna vs МУ Варна – a basketball match from the BBL B Group East playoffs.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
May 12, 2024 12:00 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL ББЛ Б група Изток плейофи сезон 2023/24 YouTube


Bay kings20172418079Victory
MU Varna1429238074Loss

Bay kings

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Petar Stilyanov Markov0:17020.00020.00000.00000.002132010010303
Zheleslav Deskov Nenkov0:3141330.773837.501520.004666.67111120222056-21317
Tsvetomir Nedelchev Kurtev0:4092437.5061637.503837.5071163.642796621101352833
Alexander Vladislavov Atanasov0:00000.00000.00000.00000.000000000000-200
Pavel Dmitrievich Georgiev0:222366.672366.67000.00000.003581410030546
Ivaylo Vankov Petkov0:0811100.0011100.00000.00000.000110200010620
Veselin Kochev Mladenov0:383742.862540.001250.001425.001343420043685
Daniel Petrov Yovchev0:11010.00000.00010.001250.000110100001-510
Дмитро Каплаушенко Каплаушенко0:3071353.853837.504580.0055100.0011011220014292324
Total 2664331.651743319.17921187.51828305.3110394914218321825257988

MU Varna

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Ilhan Hasanov Arabadjiev0:3151926.3231030.002922.22000.002353110010-5125
Milen Milenov Cholakov0:322728.5722100.00050.001425.0057125131054-8516
Plamen Yordanov Petkov0:11030.00020.00010.00000.004260100141-50-3
Hristo Georgiev Ganchev0:3341330.773837.501520.002540.003255130143-2119
Rees Miklos Noah0:292728.57010.002633.3322100.0015641300532813
Tim Polman Daamen0:3171643.754580.0031127.2722100.000002510142-7195
Sean Polman Daamen0:3061735.294944.442825.005771.43145441103401914
Total 2682193.271637291.941045127.821220336.43162339231412232617-257459

Шумен Б не успя да спре МУ Варна на старта на плейофите в Б група на Изток

Шумен Б не успя да спре МУ Варна на старта на плейофите в Б група на Изток

Shumen B couldn't stop MU Varna на старта на плейофите в Б група на Изток.

MU Varna поведе с 1-0 в четвъртфиналната серия срещу отбора на Shumen B, след като се наложи с 83-72 в първата среща.

Силно първо полувреме донесе успеха на символичните домакини.

Most useful for MU Varna it was Ilhan Arabadzhiev, който завърши срещата с дабъл-дабъл от 27 точки и 13 борби, както и 6 откраднати топки и 3 асистенции, а с 23 точки и 8 борби се отчете Sean Daamen.

For the team of Shumen B Филип Станев направи страхотно представяне и записа дабъл-дабъл от 32 точки и 13 борби, а Nikola Sazdov добави 12 точки и 3 борби.


МУ Варна vs Шумен Б – a basketball match from the BBL B Group East playoffs.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
April 20, 2024 2:00 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL ББЛ Б група Изток плейофи сезон 2023/24 YouTube


MU Varna24271814083Victory
Shumen B18152316072Loss

MU Varna

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Ilhan Hasanov Arabadjiev0:31111861.11101283.331616.674580.0067133360013102740
Milen Milenov Cholakov0:3531127.273650.00050.005683.3385133810015191115
Plamen Yordanov Petkov0:282633.332540.00010.005683.33156341002321911
Tim Polman Daamen0:092540.001250.001333.33000.001011100000953
Georg Alexander Friese0:202825.002540.00030.00000.00134000004004-2
Plamen Stefkov Bekyarov0:182633.332366.67030.00000.001450300010-341
Hristo Georgiev Ganchev0:18040.00010.00030.00000.001011010020-80-3
Sean Polman Daamen0:3891560.0081266.671333.334757.14178100002672327
Total 3173280.042846396.6732783.331824303.820315112199001317558392

Shumen B

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Nikola Valentinov Varbanov0:2421513.331812.501714.29000.003254110052-75-2
Vasil Svilenov Vasilev0:261616.67020.001425.003475.000114210014-1267
Philip Bozhidarov Stanev0:36142360.87101566.674850.00000.00310131230012-113239
Emir Erdinch Fevzi0:291616.671616.67000.002450.003035420023044
Andrey Anreev Sazdov0:091333.33010.001250.0022100.000110100010-452
Emil Zhivkov Zhechev0:08010.00010.00000.00000.000001100000-100-1
Erai Erdzhanov Erdzhebov0:05000.00000.00000.00000.000110000011-301
Efe Tuncher Nezhdet0:132633.332633.33000.00000.001342000010545
Konstantin Nedkov Yordanov0:03000.00000.00000.00000.000000000000-300
Martin Todorov Todorov0:091333.331250.00010.00000.001120110010-521
Nikola Andreev Sazdov0:216966.676875.00010.00000.001231200020-9129
Yanislav Borislavov Stefanov0:111425.001333.33010.00000.002131120021423
Total 2976299.22252287.5724139.29710225142236191510001713-557268

МУ Варна остава на върха в класирането на Б група Изток

MU Varna remains at the top of the B group East standings

MU Varna remains at the top of the B group East standings.

The team of MU Varna prevailed over Lightning – Furniture style 86-66 after controlling the match throughout.

Milen Cholakov was at the heart of the success with a double-double of 12 points and 15 rebounds, a Sean Daamen was the team's top scorer with 18 points.

For the team of Lightning Dimitar Yanchev scored 24 points, followed by Kaloyan Nedev, who scored 12 points and grabbed 8 rebounds.


Lightning – Mebel Stil vs MU Varna – a basketball match from the regular season of the BBL B Group East.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
November 11, 2023 12:00 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL B East 23-24 YouTube




Lightning B15141522066Loss
MU Varna23182916086Victory

Lightning B

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Dimitar Nikolaev Yanchev0:3381844.4461250.002633.336785.711451330024-92421
Elizar Georgiev Krastev0:2551050.004757.141333.331250.001121520112-24126
Alexander Nikolaev Yanchev0:252825.0011100.001714.291250.000441210002-1265
Ivaylo Toshkov Todorov0:271911.111425.00050.00020.001341430022-132-4
Kaloyan Ventsislavov Nedev0:2351241.6751145.45010.002450.006281100203-71212
Lachezar Ivaylov Yusev0:282633.332540.00010.0022100.001560231111-2469
Milen Ankov Atanasov0:05000.00000.00000.00000.000002000010-201
Saruhan Behchet Akifov0:181250.001250.00000.00020.001560210022-624
Stelian Galinov Panteleev0:10010.00010.00000.0022100.000000100001-321
Total 2466255.552043367.5942380.951423435.711124357201314917-1006655

MU Varna

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Ilhan Hasanov Arabadjiev0:2561154.556875.00030.0022100.0057121420121211418
Plamen Stefkov Bekyarov0:143837.503475.00040.00000.002240211000365
Diyan Ventsislavov Georgiev0:113650.003560.00010.00000.002130100010364
Milen Milenov Cholakov0:3251050.004580.001520.001250.00312155502021191222
Plamen Yordanov Petkov0:181425.001333.33010.00000.002463230040-325
Hristo Georgiev Ganchev0:3071450.0061060.001425.001425.001563221022281616
Tim Polman Daamen0:282922.221333.331616.673475.0011222200221984
Sean Polman Daamen0:2871450.004757.143742.861250.000222130033161816
George Petrov Petrov0:102540.002450.00010.00000.001011000010-642
Total 3681379.273049523.8632104.53814300173451171913411791008692

МУ Варна продължава без загуба на Изток

MU Varna continues without a loss in the East

MU Varna continues without a loss in the East.

The team of MU Varna recorded a third consecutive victory in the championship of BBL East B, and this time prevailed decisively over The consumers by 100-68.

The first quarter ended with a solid lead for Medical University, after which The consumers they managed to make up some of the difference and the first half ended with a score of 45-35.

After the break though, MU Varna did not leave any chance to his opponent and the difference in the result continued to grow until the end of the meeting.

Ilhan Arabadzhiev led his team to victory by recording 22 points, 6 assists and 5 rebounds, and Sean Daamen scored 8 points and an impressive 11 assists.

For the team of The consumers, Valentin Dobrev was tops with 16 points and 7 rebounds, followed by David Kostadinov, who scored 10 points and grabbed 7 rebounds.

МУ Варна с впечатляваща победа

MU Varna with an impressive victory against Black Sea MK Lightning

MU Varna with an impressive win against Black Sea MK Lightning.

On October 21, in the IU Varna hall, in a regular season match of the BBL B group, east region, the team of MU Varna defeated the youngsters from Black Sea MK Lightning with 109:57.

The boys led by Vladimir Marinov they showed a great game and won the match easily.

He was most useful for the victory Sean Daamen with 27 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists, a Ilhan Arabadzhiev and Reece Noah added 15 points each.

The young graduates of Denislav Kotsev did not give up and managed to win the third part, but it was not enough, as the lead of MU Varna it was already too big.

Peter Kolev was the top scorer for Black Sea with 14 points, followed by Svetoslav Slavov with 11 and Momchil Petrov with 10.


Трилър и 20 тройки донесоха бронза на МУ Варна в ББЛ Б група

A thriller and 20 triples brought bronze to MU Varna in BBL B group

MU Varna won the bronze medals in BBL B group in this season. In a real thriller in Stara Zagora, the team won Heber B with 109:106, scoring an impressive 20 triples in the game.

The match started at a very high pace and with frequent changes of leadership, and after ten minutes of play the team from Pazardzhik was leading with 35:32. Unlike his opponent, however, MU Varna continued to play high performance in the second period as well, as he converted for 62:51 at the break.

The team maintained its lead even after the break, and the decisive quarter began with 88:81 in its favor. Heber B started the closing part very strongly and quickly reached a new turn, and in turn managed to pull away with 6 as well. MU Varna however, he did not give up and 18 seconds before the end a three-pointer on Ilhan Arabadzhiev brought the team ahead again at 107:104, and an exchange of penalty kicks shaped the final result.

Tim Daamen scored 29 points for the winners, Reece Noah recorded 27 and 7 rebounds, a Sean Daamen is 24 points.

For Heber B 28 points strung together Nikolai Ninov (9 tackles) and George Marinsky (17 tackles), a Julius Arabadzhiyski scored 27 points and 8 rebounds.




MU Varna vs Heber B – a basketball match from the BBL B Group National Finals.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League TV
June 4, 2023 3:00 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL YouTube


MU Varna323026210109Victory
Heber B351630250106Loss

MU Varna

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Ilhan Hasanov Arabadjiev0:3331225.002540.001714.2944100.003360130142-1117
Plamen Stefkov Bekyarov0:0311100.0011100.00000.00000.001120100010322
Diyan Ventsislavov Georgiev0:04010.00010.00000.00000.000000000010-40-2
Christian Dimitrov Yordanov0:07030.00010.00020.00000.000111101040-50-5
Plamen Yordanov Petkov0:101520.001520.00000.00000.004262020020226
Ivan Stefanov Monev0:03000.00000.00000.00000.000110000000-101
Georgi Gavrailov Gavrailov0:071333.33000.001333.33000.000001010010-1232
Finn Hendrik Wiltsech0:2251241.673742.862540.00000.004812500015131217
Mikhail Dimitrov Karaboykov0:06010.00000.00010.00000.000330000010801
Rees Miklos Noah0:3981844.441616.6771258.334580.00257620113352727
Tim Polman Daamen0:3072133.331812.5061346.158988.892240110047122820
Sean Polman Daamen0:3091369.236785.713650.0033100.00022163002352421
Total 35903671541317.742049242.11921368.891628441612102328161510997

Heber B

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Yuliy Milkov Arabadzhiyski0:3681361.5461060.002366.6791464.29178450202902733
Dimitar Ivanov Popov0:12020.00020.00000.00000.000221010021-301
Nikolay Nikolaev Ninov0:36102147.6271450.003742.865862.50189633101602835
Methodius Methodius Methodius0:3041136.363650.001520.0022100.00257213014111111
Stanislav Ivanov Tenov0:202922.221425.001520.003650.001123200134-1181
George Nikolaev Marinsky0:33111764.71101566.671250.005683.3389171300046-22838
Dimitar Hristov Pangarov0:161250.001250.00000.00000.001122000000725
Todor Stanislavov Paunkov0:0911100.0011100.00000.00000.000000000001-423
Marin Georgiev Spasov0:03000.00000.00000.00000.000000000000-300
Total 3776382.452954401.67822199.532436360.1214334719147321628-15106127