Tag: Plamen Donchev

Славия се окичи с бронзовите медали във В група на Запад

Slavia се окичи с бронзовите медали във В група на Запад.

Slavia спечели битката за третото място срещу отбора на The Throwers с 63-52 в зала „Триадица“.

The boys of Kostadin Kostov контролираха срещата през цялото време и не позволиха нито веднъж на своя съперник да поведе в резултата.

At the heart of success for Slavia was the great performance of Plamen Donchev, който записа 26 точки, 6 асистенции и 4 борби, а Rumen Yanakiev добави 8 точки и 8 борби от пейката.

For the team of The Throwers Dimitar Stanislavov бе над всички с 15 точки и 8 борби, а с дабъл-дабъл от 10 точки и 13 борби завърши Martin Nikolov.


Slavia vs The Throwers – a basketball match from the BBL West Group playoffs.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
May 28, 2024 8:00 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL ББЛ В група Запад плейофи сезон 2023/24 YouTube




Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Plamen Emilov Donchev0:36102441.6791560.001911.115771.430446230026142625
Rumen Rumenov Yanakiev0:2231030.001425.002633.33000.0026802240207811
Boyan Georgiev Boyanov0:253560.003560.00000.00000.002680300041166
Mario Nikolaev Nikolov0:061250.00000.001250.00020.00000011003243-1
Alexander Genadiev Grigorov0:312922.22020.002728.572450.0044834300237810
Veselin Ivaylov Kamenov0:161714.291250.00050.00020.00044113013212-1
Alexander Milenov Stoyanov0:211333.331250.00010.00000.000221211020021
Yasen Atanasov Milov0:252728.571250.001520.001250.0013413000111062
Thomas Emilov Velev0:141250.001250.00000.00000.0041501000001125
Total 2469330.081734345735143.01817171.43133043121913511915556358


Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Dimitar Krassimirov Stanislavov0:326966.674757.1422100.001616.673581430045-101516
Antonio Svilenov Antov0:3131323.0831127.27020.002450.001122740034-88-3
Martin Lyudmilov Nikolov0:3342020.0031225.001812.501333.3349131630424-8101
Viktor Hristov Petrov0:251425.001333.33010.001425.002350110122-331
Miroslav Ivanov Nanoski0:14040.00040.00000.00020.001121000011-60-3
Valentin Rosenov Borisov0:251425.001425.00000.00000.001454111020-427
Martin Alexandrov Vasilev0:162366.6711100.001250.001250.001230000022-467
Viktor Bozhidarov Delistoyanov0:203475.002366.6711100.001250.001450300001-1289
Total 2061301.421545334.41516262.572322514294392212151619-555235

Славия извоюва труден успех над Септември

Slavia извоюва труден успех над Септември.

Slavia спечели първата среща от полуфиналната серия срещу отбора на September с резултат 73-69.

Срещата бе равностойна през цялото време и премина през няколко смени на водачеството, но момчетата на Костадин Костов запазиха хладнокръвие в заключителните минути и се поздравиха с победата.

Alexander Angelov поведе отбора си към победата с 15 точки, 9 борби, 6 откраднати топки и 5 асистенции, а Plamen Donchev добави 18 точки и 5 борби от пейката.

For the team of September George Velev се отличи с дабъл-дабъл от 12 точки и 13 борби, към които добави 5 асистенции и 4 откраднати топки, а Kostadin Metodiev добави 9 точки, 11 борби, 6 асистенции и 5 откраднати топки.


September vs Slavia – a basketball match from the BBL West Group playoffs.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
April 30, 2024 9:30 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL ББЛ В група Запад плейофи сезон 2023/24 YouTube




Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Hristo Svetoslavov Draganov0:173475.003475.00000.00000.001010104050-1364
Alexander Ola Alsokar0:2631030.001333.332728.571250.000442710121-89-1
Ioan Veselinov Minkov0:3341233.334850.00040.001425.000553201053-993
Nikolay Ivanov Devedzhiev0:186875.006875.00000.00000.0001101100512127
Georgi Milenov Velev0:3651050.0051050.00000.002540.0021113544101561227
Veselin Alexandrov Kamenov0:281520.001520.00000.006875.0013441221252815
Georgi Georgiev Kovachev0:082366.672366.67000.00000.000110010000645
Kostadin Danailov Metodiev0:323837.503650.00020.003475.00110116750034-6919
Total 2760387.5254742021328.57132326553540202314822319-206979


Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Plamen Emilov Donchev0:2771838.8941428.573475.0011100.0023514202436188
Rumen Rumenov Yanakiev0:272825.002540.00030.00000.002683220010-148
Alexander Borislavov Angelov0:3441136.361520.003650.004850.00279566035681516
Boyan Georgiev Boyanov0:203837.503837.50000.001812.5055102301024877
Yasen Atanasov Milov0:121714.291333.33040.0022100.001011210002-141
Mario Nikolaev Nikolov0:05000.00000.00000.00000.000110000000-601
Alexander Genadiev Grigorov0:211425.001333.33010.00030.000000130032102-3
Veselin Ivaylov Kamenov0:201520.001425.00010.0022100.000002011122-443
Thomas Emilov Velev0:185683.335683.33000.004580.003361230104-51423
Alexander Milenov Stoyanov0:122728.571520.001250.00000.00101001012055-1
Total 2674308.941953321.067211751429442.5162541152019281923207363

Миньор 2015 В спечели дербито със Славия

Миньор 2015 В спечели дербито със Славия

Miner 2015 V won the derby with Slavia.

Miner 2015 V зае първо място във временното класиране на ББЛ Запад В, след като записа важна победа над Slavia със 76-65.

The team of Slavia започна срещата силно и натрупа двуцифрена преднина през първото полувреме, но момчетата на Milen Dudev влязоха в ритъм след почивката и успяха бързо да стигнат до пълен обрат.

Denis Grigorov поведе тима си към победата с 22 точки, 5 откраднати топки и 2 асистенции, а Dimitar Petrov влезе от пейката и записа 18 точки и 8 борби.

For the team of Slavia Plamen Donchev се отличи с 18 точки, 5 борби и 4 асистенции, а Boyan Boyanov added 16 points and 7 rebounds.


Miner 2015 V vs Slavia – basketball match from the BBL regular season in the West group.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
February 15, 2024 9:30 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL In West 23-24 YouTube


Overgaz Arena Sofia
aleja Flojd Bljak, 1799 American college, Sofia


Miner V11172226076Victory

Miner V

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Dimitar Zhorov Petrov0:2771546.6771258.33030.0044100.001782200033131818
Kamen Mitkov Kamenov0:3341040.002540.002540.004850.002462720017161413
Boris Georgiev Petkov0:15020.00000.00020.00000.000331101042-80-1
Denis Grigorov Grigorov0:3571546.673933.334666.6755100.00011225011342322
Bogomil Radislavov Lozanov0:19020.00010.00010.00000.001010021010-401
Nikolay Nikolaev Mihailov0:263560.003560.00000.00010.00381102030419612
Valentin Petkov Kazakov0:091333.33020.0011100.00000.000000110001632
Valentino Kalin Kovachev0:051250.00000.001250.00000.000111000000234
Svetomir Biserov Raichev0:03020.00010.00010.00000.001120000010-30-1
Evan Iskrenov Ivanov0:08000.00000.00000.00000.000111000010201
Ivo Ivov Valentinov0:143742.863650.00010.0033100.00022200010218910
Total 2663319.531841241.66822256.67162135082836111510521619557681


Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Plamen Emilov Donchev0:3471450.0071258.33020.004580.001454700204-181814
Rumen Rumenov Yanakiev0:08030.00020.00010.00000.001120100000-70-2
Alexander Borislavov Angelov0:3041233.333650.001616.672366.671671530241-7113
Boyan Georgiev Boyanov0:2781457.1481457.14000.00020.002571210022-91615
Yasen Atanasov Milov0:2341233.333650.001616.67000.001121010041-1292
Mario Nikolaev Nikolov0:08020.00010.00010.00000.00011120002070-5
Alexander Genadiev Grigorov0:03010.00010.00000.00000.001121110002304
Teodor Yordanov Filipov0:231333.331250.00010.00000.001231031040824
Veselin Ivaylov Kamenov0:192633.332450.00020.00000.000333120121-445
Thomas Emilov Velev0:1711100.0011100.00000.003650.003470101003-11512
Alexander Milenov Stoyanov0:03000.00000.00000.00020.001010000011-10-1
Konstantin Antonov Dimitrov0:00000.00000.00000.00000.000110000010-400
Total 2768340.462549415.4721933.34918196.67122941132011252015-556551

Хебър с доминантна победа на старта на Купата на ББЛ

Heber with a dominant victory at the start of the BBL Cup

Heber with a dominant victory at the start of the BBL Cup.

Heber dominates the team of Slavia with 115 – 56 and secured participation in the next round of the BBL Cup tournament.

All the members of the composition of Dimitar Chankov they managed to score for the win.

Hristo Buckkov was again in the spotlight with a monster double-double of 31 points and 23 rebounds, as well as 9 assists, 3 blocks and 2 steals, and Vangel Iliev excelled with 28 points and 8 rebounds.

For the team of Slavia Plamen Donchev was above everyone with 14 points, 4 rebounds and 2 assists, a Boyan Boyanov added 11 points and 4 rebounds.


Slavia vs Heber – a basketball match from the BBL Cup tournament.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
January 21, 2024 12:00 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL CUP 23-24 YouTube




Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Plamen Emilov Donchev0:2461833.3351533.331333.331333.332242510002-45144
Boyan Georgiev Boyanov0:175771.435771.43000.001812.502240310024-24116
Yasen Atanasov Milov0:18050.00000.00050.00000.000220310012-370-4
Mario Nikolaev Nikolov0:07040.00020.00020.00000.000000110000-160-4
Bozhidar Trayan Metodiev0:1721315.3821118.18020.00000.005160010430-234-7
Alexander Genadiev Grigorov0:19020.00010.00010.001250.001233330012-1915
Tsvetan Ivanov Ivanov0:04010.00000.00010.00000.000000000030-50-4
Teodor Yordanov Filipov0:05010.00000.00010.00000.000110000010-90-1
Veselin Ivaylov Kamenov0:283560.002366.671250.002366.673473220124-35917
Thomas Emilov Velev0:14070.00060.00010.001250.001560100131-311-5
Alexander Milenov Stoyanov0:204944.444850.00010.0022100.003031100121-25106
Nikolay Stanimirov Nedyalkov0:202540.002450.00010.0022100.000110200002-2664
Total 2277264.582057289.6122083.331022412.517203792110071818-2955617


Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Yuliy Milkov Arabadzhiyski0:2971163.647887.50030.005862.5038115512035491927
Vangel Georgiev Iliev0:26101566.6771070.003560.005683.334481110013462833
Adrian Vassilev Sekulov0:211425.001250.00020.00000.0012373300202927
Robert Miroslavov Georgiev0:241911.11010.001812.50000.000443100030383-2
Kamen Plamenov Penchev0:3351338.464850.001520.007887.501453140034531821
Hristo Nikolaev Bachkov0:33141877.78131586.671333.332540.00716239123024553162
Ivan Veselinov Krastev0:152633.332366.67030.002450.0021311110321164
Christiano Krassimirov Spasov0:144666.674580.00010.00000.00123101102014810
Total 4482382.663852490.84630125.832131323.33194160301313701918295115162

Славия триумфира над Септември след драма с продължение

Slavia triumphed over Septemvri after overtime drama

Slavia triumph over September after a drama with a sequel.

Slavia recorded his 8th win to date, taking over the provisional leader September with 76-71 after overtime.

The boys of Kostadin Kostov built up a double-digit lead early in the first half, then allowed their opponent to come back into the game and tie the score before the end of regular time, but after a strong performance in the last 5 minutes of play, they were able to celebrate the success.

Yasen Milov was above all for the victory with 19 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists, a Plamen Donchev and Alexander Stoyanov scored 11 points each.

For the team of September Dimitar Vukadinov was the top scorer with 16 points, a Veselin Kamenov, Ioan Minkov and Nikolay Devedzhiev added 14 points each, but it was not enough for the 10th victory in the championship.


Slavia vs September – basketball match from the BBL regular season in the West group.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
January 12, 2024 7:50 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL In West 23-24 YouTube


Overgaz Arena Sofia
aleja Flojd Bljak, 1799 American college, Sofia




Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Plamen Emilov Donchev0:3741136.3641040.00010.0033100.0022437400449118
Boyan Georgiev Boyanov0:162633.332633.33000.00000.00246160012024-2
Yasen Atanasov Milov0:3851533.332450.0031127.2761154.552355440017171920
Bozhidar Trayan Metodiev0:03000.00000.00000.00000.000000000010-70-1
Alexander Genadiev Grigorov0:233560.001250.002366.67000.00033234001216813
Veselin Ivaylov Kamenov0:303650.002450.001250.0011100.001345220032-2813
Thomas Emilov Velev0:282450.002450.00000.0011100.0034711111013512
Alexander Milenov Stoyanov0:2551729.4151729.41000.001250.001450320322211-1
Nikolay Stanimirov Nedyalkov0:072366.6722100.00010.00000.000220010000-346
Victor Branimirov Belchev0:03000.00000.00000.00000.000110200010-40-2
Ioannis Vangelis Mansoudis0:092450.001333.3311100.001250.000000300001-861
Nikolay Deyanov Vassilev0:00000.00000.00000.00000.000000000000000
Total 2871409.12152436.07719243.941320454.55112637173118151519257667


Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Hristo Svetoslavov Draganov0:00000.00000.00000.00000.000000000000000
Ioan Veselinov Minkov0:4441136.363742.861425.005771.430556920024-41411
Nikolay Ivanov Devedzhiev0:4361442.8661346.15010.0022100.001781352052-31416
Georgi Milenov Velev0:11040.00030.00010.00000.000220412020-110-5
Veselin Alexandrov Kamenov0:456966.676966.67000.002633.333475541034-51420
Tsvetelin Simeonov Yovev0:01000.00000.00000.00000.000000000000200
Andrey Nikolaev Troyanov0:00000.00000.00000.00000.000000000000000
Georgi Georgiev Kovachev0:0811100.0011100.00000.00000.000110020010324
Dimitar Ivaylov Vukadinov0:3561154.552366.674850.00000.002351600020-2169
Kostadin Danailov Metodiev0:3531717.6521118.181616.674580.0056115420144-5119
Total 2667318.092047340.5362091.671320284.76112839183116511914-257164

Вихрен Сандански не намери решение срещу Славия

Vihren Sandanski did not find a decision against Slavia

Vihren Sandanski did not find a solution against Slavia.

The team of Slavia convincingly won the meeting with Vihren Sandanski with a score of 73-48 and ranked 4th in the BBL West B provisional standings with an asset of 6 wins and 3 losses.

Alexander Angelov led his team to success with 15 points, 4 rebounds and 3 assists, a Plamen Donchev added 12 points, 7 rebounds and 3 assists.

For the team of Slavia Deyan Uzunov was tops with 13 points and 4 rebounds, followed by Vencislav Bizhev, who added 8 points and 6 rebounds.


Vihren Sandanski vs Slavia – basketball match from the BBL regular season in the West group.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
December 10, 2023 3:00 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL In West 23-24 YouTube


A whirlwind12141210048Loss

A whirlwind

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Nikola Nikolaev Chapkenov0:2121118.18070.002450.00000.001123300201-96-2
Vencislav Georgiev Bizhev0:172633.332540.00010.004666.671560501033-1384
Iliya Valentinov Beshkov0:20040.00010.00030.00000.001010000001-100-2
Ivan Ventsislavov Chobanov0:161333.33010.001250.00000.000112210001-834
Kiril Krasimirov Nedelkov0:252825.001520.001333.33020.000442910027-2050
Nikola-Veliyan Lachezarov Simeonov0:262450.002450.00000.001250.000440610031-235-1
Christopher Marian Kanev0:13010.00000.00010.00000.000000020100-700
Dimitar Mirchev Vassilev0:121250.00010.0011100.00000.000220001100-634
Deyan Lubomirov Uzunov0:2161250.005683.331616.67000.000441520022-15139
Vasilen Stoyanov Vassilev0:0922100.0011100.0011100.00000.001010210000-355
Dear Andonov Yankov0:13000.00000.00000.00000.001231010000-1105
Total 1853359.841131293.33722350510116.67523289329241016-1254826


Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Plamen Emilov Donchev0:1961346.1561060.00030.00000.001673241111251217
Alexander Borislavov Angelov0:146966.6755100.001425.0022100.00134311001191519
Mario Nikolaev Nikolov0:092633.332540.00010.00000.003252100020-244
Bozhidar Trayan Metodiev0:11030.00030.00000.00000.00202111001040-1
Alexander Genadiev Grigorov0:172922.222633.33030.001250.000221320132115-3
Tsvetan Ivanov Ivanov0:184757.1444100.00030.00000.000333220030888
Teodor Yordanov Filipov0:223475.001250.0022100.001250.00101202001121912
Veselin Ivaylov Kamenov0:221333.331250.00010.002366.6720201410231348
Thomas Emilov Velev0:14040.00040.00000.0022100.0012300010021324
Alexander Milenov Stoyanov0:202728.572728.57000.00000.001341221010944
Nikolay Stanimirov Nedyalkov0:10000.00000.00000.00000.00000010000010-1
Ioannis Vangelis Mansoudis0:195955.565683.33030.00000.00033042001013106
Total 3174417.972854545.23320125811366.671224361618204216101257377

Локомотив София не успя да спре Славия във В група на Запад

Lokomotiv Sofia failed to stop Slavia in Group B in the West

Lokomotiv Sofia couldn't stop Slavia in Group B in the West.

Slavia took first place in the provisional BBL West B standings after recording a 5th win, this time over Lokomotiv Sofia with a score of 97-83.

Lokomotiv Sofia started the meeting strong and scored 30 points in the first 10 minutes of play, but the alumni of Kostadin Kostov they won every subsequent quarter and congratulated themselves on success.

The bench of Slavia scored as many as 60 points for the win. He was most helpful Plamen Donchev with 34 points and 5 rebounds, followed by the captain Alexander Angelov, who added 25 points and 6 rebounds.

For Lokomotiv Sofia Rosen Panayotov was above all with 30 points, a Yasen Popov scored 16 points and grabbed 7 rebounds.


Lokomotiv Sofia vs Slavia – basketball match from the BBL regular season in the West group.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
November 13, 2023 9:30 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL In West 23-24 YouTube


Overgaz Arena Sofia
aleja Flojd Bljak, 1799 American college, Sofia


Loco St30152117083Loss

Loco St

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Georgi Filipov Popov0:305771.435771.43000.00000.001345310012-121016
Yasen Filipov Popov0:2551338.4641040.001333.335683.330772130105-81622
Konstantin Ivaylov Yordanov0:06000.00000.00000.00000.000220200000-200
Rosen Dimitrov Panayotov0:31101758.8261250.004580.006966.670332320136-143026
Velislav Ivaylov Yanev0:122450.002450.00000.001250.002240300132-651
Alen Ivanov Spasov0:142450.001333.3311100.00000.002240210020354
Ivan Vladimirov Vodenicharski0:283933.333560.00040.0022100.000114210001-1487
Maxim Vladimirov Vasilev0:1311100.0011100.00000.002450.000110100043-141
Martin Biserov Zdravkov0:141250.001250.00000.00000.001122300120-22-1
Emil Ivaylov Traikov0:221425.001333.33010.001250.000224120022-1436
Total 3061477.042447488.09614213.33172540062430192110041721-708382


Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Plamen Emilov Donchev0:29162272.73141782.352540.00000.000553420022233434
Alexander Borislavov Angelov0:2791656.2581361.541333.336875.003362050025122532
Yasen Atanasov Milov0:193837.5011100.002728.5722100.00044111002271010
Mario Nikolaev Nikolov0:081425.00030.0011100.001425.000000000002940
Tsvetan Ivanov Ivanov0:161250.001250.00000.00000.0001111110411221
Teodor Yordanov Filipov0:161250.001250.00000.00000.0011230200401124
Veselin Ivaylov Kamenov0:141333.3311100.00020.001250.000110100022-830
Thomas Emilov Velev0:164580.004580.00000.00000.0016701000007813
Alexander Milenov Stoyanov0:152450.002366.67010.00000.002571111021-2410
Martin Nikolaev Krastev0:09000.00000.00000.00000.000111100010-500
Georgi Stoyanov Georgiev0:04000.00000.00000.00000.000000000000-300
Total 3866454.813247590.56619201.91016250727341210122019156392104

Славия надделя категорично над Волтрон В

Slavia decisively prevailed over Voltron V

Slavia overwhelmingly prevailed over Voltron V.

The team of Slavia recorded a resounding success over Voltron V with 62-42 in Overgaz Arena.

Already at halftime, the graduates of Kostadin Kostov led by a double-digit margin, which continued to increase until the end of the meeting.

Alexander Angelov led his team to victory with 15 points and 8 rebounds, a Plamen Donchev added 11 points and grabbed 6 rebounds.

For the team of Voltron, the playing coach was most helpful Konstantin Kaserov, who recorded another double-double, this time with 14 points and 18 rebounds, followed by Ivan Ivanov with 15 points and 7 rebounds.


Voltron V vs Slavia – basketball match from the BBL regular season in the West group.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
November 2, 2023 7:45 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL In West 23-24 YouTube


Overgaz Arena Sofia
aleja Flojd Bljak, 1799 American college, Sofia


Voltron V1013811042Loss

Voltron V

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Konstantin Hristov Kaserov0:3451533.3341136.361425.003837.50612182300045-161417
Borislav Borislavov Boshnyakov0:2731421.4331323.08010.001250.002351111021-1971
Martin Nikolaev Stoev0:231520.001250.00030.00000.001341010020-922
Daren Petrov Radev0:14010.00010.00000.00000.000221410020-60-3
Ivan Nikolaev Ivanov0:3251533.332633.333933.332366.670771600013-15158
David Rosenov Rusev0:07000.00000.00000.00000.000110200000-40-1
Bozhidar Alexandrov Paskov0:291520.001333.33020.00000.000225330021-1324
Boyan Martinov Yotsev0:14000.00000.00000.00000.000220100030-110-2
Viktor Asenov Nikolov0:071250.0011100.00010.00000.000110320020-12-1
Alexander Blagoev Momchilov0:07040.00020.00020.00000.001010000000-60-3
Total 1661178.091239276.142258.33613154.1710334311238101810-1004222


Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Plamen Emilov Donchev0:2351338.4651145.45020.001250.001563310102191110
Alexander Borislavov Angelov0:2651827.7841040.001812.504580.002682240004161517
Yasen Atanasov Milov0:141520.0011100.00040.00000.000110020000321
Mario Nikolaev Nikolov0:081616.67010.001520.00000.00011001003033-4
Bozhidar Trayan Metodiev0:172922.222540.00040.00010.003471310033042
Tsvetan Ivanov Ivanov0:09020.00010.00010.00020.00123010000130-1
Teodor Yordanov Filipov0:243650.0011100.002540.00000.00369212001012816
Veselin Ivaylov Kamenov0:16020.00010.00010.002450.0012312200032025
Thomas Emilov Velev0:223837.503650.00020.001250.0033610200412077
Alexander Milenov Stoyanov0:152633.332450.00020.004666.6741512200048812
Martin Nikolaev Krastev0:09010.00000.00010.00000.003140000000-303
Ioannis Vangelis Mansoudis0:101616.671333.33030.00000.000220110000-12-1
Total 2382262.631944458.7843872.51222296.672134551115180111181006267

Славия с убедителна победа над Политехника В

Slavia with a convincing victory over Polytechnic V

Slavia with a convincing victory over Polytechnic V.

In a BBL West B regular season match, the team of Slavia prevailed convincingly over the team of Polytechnic V with a score of 74-58.

The boys from Slavia they controlled the match almost the entire time and did not leave a chance to their opponent.

They were most useful for the victory Yasen Milov, Plamen Donchev and Alexander Angelov with 11 points each.

The team of Polytechnic V started the match weakly, then played an extremely strong 3rd part, but it was not enough to overcome the team of Slavia. Antony Stamboliyski recorded a great double-double with 17 points and 15 rebounds, a Boris Petkov scored 10 points.

The young team of Polytechnic V continues without a win in the championship so far, and the team of Slavia takes 4th place in the standings with 2 wins and 2 losses.