Tag: Alexander Stoyanov

Рутинна нова победа записа отбора на Славия

Рутинна нова победа записа отбора на Славия

Рутинна нова победа записа отбора на Slavia.

Slavia prevailed over Vihren Sandanski с 69-48 в среща от редовния сезон на ББЛ Запад В, изиграна в зала „Триадица“.

The basketball players of Kostadin Kostov натрупаха лека преднина преди почивката, а след силно второ полувреме подсигуриха успеха си.

Alexander Stoyanov направи добро представяне за Slavia и завърши със 17 точки и 4 борби, а Yasen Milov добави 11 точки, 3 борби и 3 асистенции.

For the team of Vihren Sandanski Vencislav Kostov записа 10 точки, 6 борби и 5 асистенции, а Vencislav Bizhev and Ivan Argirov отбелязаха по 10 пункта, но това не бе достатъчно да спрат отбора на Slavia.


Slavia vs Vihren Sandanski – basketball match from the BBL regular season in the West group.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
March 17, 2024 3:00 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL In West 23-24 YouTube


A whirlwind161598048Loss


Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Boyan Georgiev Boyanov0:133650.003475.00020.001250.000440110001978
Yasen Atanasov Milov0:1841040.001333.333742.86020.00123321000114119
Mario Nikolaev Nikolov0:05030.00010.00020.00000.000000110001-90-2
Alexander Genadiev Grigorov0:123650.003475.00020.00000.0011211100011067
Viktor Borislavov Kostov0:2221118.182728.57040.0022100.00101210012166-3
Veselin Ivaylov Kamenov0:322540.002366.67020.00020.0004420300341349
Ivaylo Ivanov Iliev0:121425.001250.00020.00000.0003300100001023
Thomas Emilov Velev0:172633.332633.33000.003475.005510220100215715
Alexander Milenov Stoyanov0:2381172.7371070.0011100.00000.00314024110191721
Georgi Stoyanov Georgiev0:05000.00000.00000.0022100.001121110001-926
Victor Branimirov Belchev0:203650.002366.671333.33020.00156303000121715
Борис Борисов Феликс0:14000.00000.00000.00020.0014502000221601
Ioannis Vangelis Mansoudis0:00000.00000.00000.00000.000000000000000
Total 2868379.242343498.57525176.19818325143044141316227161056989

A whirlwind

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Vencislav Evgeniev Kostov0:3741233.332633.332633.33000.002465511021-19109
Vencislav Georgiev Bizhev0:3051338.4651145.45020.00000.002460311130-15103
Ivan Yavorov Argirov0:3031225.0031030.00020.0044100.002240220116-14109
Iliya Valentinov Beshkov0:2831030.003560.00050.00000.001343510010-1661
Christopher Marian Kanev0:232450.002366.67010.00000.000111010030-1142
Vasilen Stoyanov Vassilev0:0811100.00000.0011100.00000.001120200010-1132
Dear Andonov Yankov0:21010.00000.00010.00000.000222330030-1000
Mikhail Lyubomirov Minchev0:192922.221520.001425.00000.001781110020-955
Total 2062299.011640255.45422158.33441009243312211022167-1054831

Славия записа инфарктна победа на Локомотив София

Славия записа инфарктна победа на Локомотив София

Slavia записа инфарктна победа на Lokomotiv Sofia.

Slavia managed to prevail over Lokomotiv Sofia с 64-63 в изключително интересна среща от редовния сезон на ББЛ Запад В.

The team of Slavia контролира срещата почти до самия край, но след силна последна четвърт момчетата на Ивета Андреева успяха да се върнат в мача.

5 Секунди преди края на срещата при равен резултат Alexander Angelov със страхотен индивидуален пробив донесе 2 точки преднина за отбора на Slavia, след което подпечата победата с един успешен изстрел от наказателната линия.

Над всички за успеха на Slavia it was Boyan Boyanov с дабъл-дабъл от 18 точки и 18 борби, следван от Alexander Stoyanov, който добави 18 точки и 8 борби от пейката, докато за отбора на Lokomotiv Sofia Ivan Vodenicharski and Rosen Panayotov се отличиха с по 20 пункта.


Slavia vs Lokomotiv Sofia – basketball match from the BBL regular season in the West group.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
February 19, 2024 8:00 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL In West 23-24 YouTube


Overgaz Arena Sofia
aleja Flojd Bljak, 1799 American college, Sofia


Loco St1591623063Loss


Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Alexander Borislavov Angelov0:225955.565862.50010.002366.67123222103271212
Boyan Georgiev Boyanov0:3581650.0081650.00000.002633.339918130001871829
Yasen Atanasov Milov0:19050.00000.00050.00000.000224120000502
Mario Nikolaev Nikolov0:07030.00020.00010.00000.000110000001-80-1
Veselin Ivaylov Kamenov0:251250.001250.00000.002450.002243310123-1146
Alexander Milenov Stoyanov0:2681361.5481172.73020.002450.003580201022-11818
Nikolay Stanimirov Nedyalkov0:121616.671333.33030.0022100.001121001022343
Martin Nikolaev Krastev0:14020.00000.00020.00000.000000020020120-2
Georgi Stoyanov Georgiev0:00010.00000.00010.00000.000000000010-40-2
Konstantin Antonov Dimitrov0:191714.29030.001425.003475.001121110132460
Ioannis Vangelis Mansoudis0:151425.001333.33010.00000.000112000030-92-1
Total 2568273.062448301.891202513233751724411412832192056464

Loco St

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Georgi Filipov Popov0:262922.222922.22000.00000.003473200301-443
Konstantin Ivaylov Yordanov0:1022100.0022100.00000.00000.001120300010-542
Rosen Dimitrov Panayotov0:3671546.6761060.001520.005955.560553620018-32019
Velislav Ivaylov Yanev0:15020.00010.00010.0022100.000000031041221
Alen Ivanov Spasov0:323933.333742.86020.001333.330442100052871
Ivan Vladimirov Vodenicharski0:3271163.646875.001333.3355100.00044442004562023
Kiril Harizanov Milkov0:171333.3311100.00020.00000.000440101012-1125
Nikola Pavlinov Paskov0:282366.672366.67000.00000.002130000040242
Total 2454365.862241466.7521353.331319288.896232912177232019-56356

Славия триумфира над Септември след драма с продължение

Slavia triumphed over Septemvri after overtime drama

Slavia triumph over September after a drama with a sequel.

Slavia recorded his 8th win to date, taking over the provisional leader September with 76-71 after overtime.

The boys of Kostadin Kostov built up a double-digit lead early in the first half, then allowed their opponent to come back into the game and tie the score before the end of regular time, but after a strong performance in the last 5 minutes of play, they were able to celebrate the success.

Yasen Milov was above all for the victory with 19 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists, a Plamen Donchev and Alexander Stoyanov scored 11 points each.

For the team of September Dimitar Vukadinov was the top scorer with 16 points, a Veselin Kamenov, Ioan Minkov and Nikolay Devedzhiev added 14 points each, but it was not enough for the 10th victory in the championship.


Slavia vs September – basketball match from the BBL regular season in the West group.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
January 12, 2024 7:50 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL In West 23-24 YouTube


Overgaz Arena Sofia
aleja Flojd Bljak, 1799 American college, Sofia




Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Plamen Emilov Donchev0:3741136.3641040.00010.0033100.0022437400449118
Boyan Georgiev Boyanov0:162633.332633.33000.00000.00246160012024-2
Yasen Atanasov Milov0:3851533.332450.0031127.2761154.552355440017171920
Bozhidar Trayan Metodiev0:03000.00000.00000.00000.000000000010-70-1
Alexander Genadiev Grigorov0:233560.001250.002366.67000.00033234001216813
Veselin Ivaylov Kamenov0:303650.002450.001250.0011100.001345220032-2813
Thomas Emilov Velev0:282450.002450.00000.0011100.0034711111013512
Alexander Milenov Stoyanov0:2551729.4151729.41000.001250.001450320322211-1
Nikolay Stanimirov Nedyalkov0:072366.6722100.00010.00000.000220010000-346
Victor Branimirov Belchev0:03000.00000.00000.00000.000110200010-40-2
Ioannis Vangelis Mansoudis0:092450.001333.3311100.001250.000000300001-861
Nikolay Deyanov Vassilev0:00000.00000.00000.00000.000000000000000
Total 2871409.12152436.07719243.941320454.55112637173118151519257667


Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Hristo Svetoslavov Draganov0:00000.00000.00000.00000.000000000000000
Ioan Veselinov Minkov0:4441136.363742.861425.005771.430556920024-41411
Nikolay Ivanov Devedzhiev0:4361442.8661346.15010.0022100.001781352052-31416
Georgi Milenov Velev0:11040.00030.00010.00000.000220412020-110-5
Veselin Alexandrov Kamenov0:456966.676966.67000.002633.333475541034-51420
Tsvetelin Simeonov Yovev0:01000.00000.00000.00000.000000000000200
Andrey Nikolaev Troyanov0:00000.00000.00000.00000.000000000000000
Georgi Georgiev Kovachev0:0811100.0011100.00000.00000.000110020010324
Dimitar Ivaylov Vukadinov0:3561154.552366.674850.00000.002351600020-2169
Kostadin Danailov Metodiev0:3531717.6521118.181616.674580.0056115420144-5119
Total 2667318.092047340.5362091.671320284.76112839183116511914-257164

Славия не остави шанс на Лъвовете 2013

Slavia left no chance to the Lions 2013

Slavia leave no chance to Lions 2013.

In a BBL West B regular season matchup, Slavia prevailed convincingly over Lions 2013 by 93-71.

The boys of Kostadin Kostov built up a double-digit lead already in the first half and did not allow the opponent to get back into the game.

Alexander Stoyanov was above all for the win with 16 points and 4 rebounds, a Alexander Angelov added 14 points and 4 rebounds.

On the other side Alexander Lilin made a good performance and finished the meeting with a double-double of 23 points and 13 rebounds, a Dimo Dingozov recorded 15 points, 4 rebounds and 4 assists.


Slavia vs Lions 2013 – basketball match from the BBL regular season in the West group.

BULGARIAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE (BBL) is a national basketball league established in 2016. FROM 2020. In recent years, the League has become one of the largest team championships in Bulgaria.

BBL A group, and from 2022 and B group are included as official state championships to the Bulgarian Basketball Federation. Thus, basketball in Bulgaria acquired a complete pyramidal structure. The league is structured and takes place on a regional tournament basis in four regions - West, South, East and Center.



Date Time League Season TV
December 15, 2023 7:45 p.m Bulgarian Basketball League BBL BBL In West 23-24 YouTube


Overgaz Arena Sofia
aleja Flojd Bljak, 1799 American college, Sofia


The lions17122319071Loss


Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Plamen Emilov Donchev0:242633.332366.67030.003475.0005541300127714
Alexander Borislavov Angelov0:1961540.006875.00070.002450.002241171002171417
Yasen Atanasov Milov0:143650.0022100.001425.001250.00257610000112817
Mario Nikolaev Nikolov0:091911.11010.001812.50000.00022110000033-3
Bozhidar Trayan Metodiev0:1941136.364850.00030.005683.334590100013141315
Tsvetan Ivanov Ivanov0:123650.003475.00020.00000.00044300000115611
Teodor Yordanov Filipov0:154666.673475.001250.00000.000221211020-398
Veselin Ivaylov Kamenov0:212633.332450.00020.003475.0013442001032710
Thomas Emilov Velev0:201333.331333.33000.00000.0017810110008211
Alexander Milenov Stoyanov0:197977.787977.78000.0022100.002240200011211616
Martin Nikolaev Krastev0:172728.57010.002633.33000.0014501000001065
Georgi Stoyanov Georgiev0:0511100.0011100.00000.00000.003140000010425
Total 3685560.483148702.78537120.831622433.331642582112123161311093126

The lions

Player MIN SU CO C% 2U 20 2T% 3U 3O 3T% NU BUT НУ% BN BZ B AC CITY FROM CH State of emergency FI FP +/- T K
Alexander Ivanov Dragoev0:3241233.3341233.33000.001250.0029113110021-21913
Dimo Konstantinov Dingozov0:3662128.5731323.083837.50000.001344410000-14155
Alexander Lyubenov Lilin0:40102441.6782040.002450.001425.0049130100234-222317
Ivaylo Iliyanov Tsenev0:2441040.004757.14030.00000.000112500030-158-3
Georgi Yordanov Petrov0:156875.006875.00000.00020.000221310041-7126
Tony Dimitrov Tsvetkov0:341616.671425.00020.00000.001348310110-1725
Stoyan Georgiev Andreev0:171333.331333.33000.00000.004591021000-14213
Total 3284268.572767286.8851787.528751232441917613136-1107156

Олд Мамбас се изправиха срещу Славия

Old Mambas faced Slavia in Overgaz Arena Sofia

Old Mambas confronted Slavia in Overgaz Arena Sofia. In an extremely interesting match from the BBL in Group West, Old Mambas failed to cope with the team of Slavia, losing 51-79.

For the mamba team, Dimitar Pavlov was most efficient with 12 points and 14 rebounds, while Georgi Radnev added 7 points. Despite the efforts of the entire team, they were unable to stand up to the opposition.

On the other side, Slavia showed an excellent game in attack and defense. Alexander Angelov was the team leader with 17 points while Veselin Kamenov and Alexander Stoyanov added 4 and 11 points respectively.

The team of Slavia demonstrated dominance in every part of the game, scoring 21 points after fouls and 32 points in the basket. The team's bench also showed class, adding 40 points to the final tally.

The coach of the Mambas, Jimmy Hunt, will have to analyze the loss and look for ways to improve, while Kostadin Kostov should be pleased with his team's performance. With this win, Slavia takes fifth place in the provisional standings, while Old Mambi remain winless so far.