Ivan Georgiev Georgiev Ivan Georgiev GeorgievNikolay Nedelinov LekovIvaylo Simeonov PerepechaevSpas Nikolaev NikolovGeorgi Kamenov NaumovMartin Zdravkov SechkovKaloyan Plamenov VassilevDenis Yordanov KamburovMartin Dragomirov SlavovMartin Marianov GorunovKamen Asparuhov AtanasovDenis Petkov PetkovGeorge Ivov HristovKrasimir Dimitrov KrastevGeorgi Iliyanov MitrovskiAlexander-Marco Mark MillerStefan Emilov YanevMomchil Miroslavov BanevNikola Yordanov KarakolevGeorgi Dimitrov KrastevAngel Dimitrov PeychinovAngel Angelov Alexandrov NameIvan Georgiev GeorgievCurrent TeamThe Fab FiveЛигиBulgarian Basketball League BBLSeasonsBBL A West 20-21, BBL A West 21-22Рожден денMarch 2, 2023 Bulgarian Basketball League BBLSeasonTeamAnd.MIN.SU.CO.C%2U.2O.2T%3U.3O.3T%NU.BUT.НУ%BN.BZ.B.AC.CITY.FROM.CH.State of emergency.FI.FP.+/-T.K.Total-70.20.618.10.20.618. Общо в кариератаSeasonAnd.MIN.SU.CO.C%2U.2O.2T%3U.3O.3T%NU.BUT.НУ%BN.BZ.B.AC.CITY.FROM.CH.State of emergency.FI.FP.+/-T.K.Total4970.20.618.10.20.618. DateHomeResultsГостTimeCourt 2022-05-22 18:00:00May 22, 2022Heber76 - 69The Fab Five 18:00:006:00 p.mN/A2022-05-19 19:30:00May 19, 2022The Fab Five95 - 78Heber 19:30:007:30 p.mN/A2022-05-08 18:00:00May 8, 2022Heber68 - 57The Fab Five 18:00:006:00 p.mN/A2022-04-28 19:30:00April 28, 2022Heber85 - 63The Fab Five 19:30:007:30 p.mN/A2022-04-21 19:30:00April 21, 2022The Fab Five66 - 77CSKA 19:30:007:30 p.mN/A2022-04-10 20:00:00April 10, 2022Polytechnic83 - 80The Fab Five 20:00:008:00 p.mN/A2022-03-31 21:30:00March 31, 2022The Fab Five77 - 91Miner 21:30:009:30 p.mN/A2022-03-23 21:30:00March 23, 2022Loco St75 - 86The Fab Five 21:30:009:30 p.mN/A2022-03-09 21:30:00March 9, 2022Mix64 - 71The Fab Five 21:30:009:30 p.mN/A2022-03-06 16:00:00March 6, 2022The Fab Five78 - 65Balkan A 16:00:004:00 p.mN/A2022-02-24 21:30:00February 24, 2022The Fab Five79 - 83Sportsman 21:30:009:30 p.mN/A2022-02-02 21:30:00February 2, 2022Slavia61 - 82The Fab Five 21:30:009:30 p.mN/A2022-01-30 18:00:00January 30, 2022The Fab Five85 - 54Enigma 18:00:006:00 p.mN/A2022-01-22 16:00:00January 22, 2022Directioner68 - 79The Fab Five 16:00:004:00 p.mN/A2022-01-16 18:00:00January 16, 2022CSKA46 - 57The Fab Five 18:00:006:00 p.mN/A2021-12-12 14:00:00December 12, 2021The Fab Five87 - 73Polytechnic 14:00:002:00 p.mN/A2021-12-03 19:30:00December 3, 2021Miner67 - 75The Fab Five 19:30:007:30 p.mN/A2021-11-21 18:00:00November 21, 2021The Fab Five79 - 62Mix 18:00:006:00 p.mN/A2021-11-07 16:00:00November 7, 2021The Fab Five53 - 64Heber 16:00:004:00 p.mN/A2021-10-21 19:30:00October 21, 2021The Fab Five70 - 66Slavia 19:30:007:30 p.mN/A2021-10-13 19:30:00October 13, 2021Enigma55 - 62The Fab Five 19:30:007:30 p.mN/A2021-10-10 19:00:00October 10, 2021The Fab Five52 - 49Directioner 19:00:007:00 p.mN/A2021-05-12 21:30:00May 12, 2021The Fab Five86 - 75Loco St 21:30:009:30 p.mN/A2021-05-08 14:00:00May 8, 2021Polytechnic70 - 65The Fab Five 14:00:002:00 p.mN/A2021-04-29 19:30:00April 29, 2021The Fab Five67 - 92NSA 19:30:007:30 p.mN/A2021-04-23 19:30:00April 23, 2021Heber78 - 65The Fab Five 19:30:007:30 p.mN/A2021-04-14 19:30:00April 14, 2021The Fab Five77 - 84Mix 19:30:007:30 p.mN/A2021-04-11 14:00:00April 11, 2021Enigma66 - 63The Fab Five 14:00:002:00 p.mN/A2021-04-04 14:00:00April 4, 2021The Fab Five69 - 75Balkan A 14:00:002:00 p.mN/A2021-03-28 12:00:00March 28, 2021Champion 200642 - 72The Fab Five 12:00:0012:00 p.mN/A2021-03-26 19:30:00March 26, 2021CSKA72 - 65The Fab Five 19:30:007:30 p.mN/A2021-03-18 19:30:00March 18, 2021The Fab Five65 - 79Locomotive 2020 19:30:007:30 p.mN/A2021-03-05 19:30:00March 5, 2021The Fab Five69 - 70Athletic 19:30:007:30 p.mN/A2021-02-28 14:00:00February 28, 2021Directioner71 - 65The Fab Five 14:00:002:00 p.mN/A2021-02-10 21:30:00February 10, 2021The Fab Five69 - 77Sportsman 21:30:009:30 p.mN/A2021-02-07 14:00:00February 7, 2021Slavia61 - 65The Fab Five 14:00:002:00 p.mN/A2021-01-31 16:00:00January 31, 2021Loco St62 - 89The Fab Five 16:00:004:00 p.mN/A2021-01-19 21:30:00January 19, 2021The Fab Five81 - 79Polytechnic 21:30:009:30 p.mN/A2021-01-17 16:00:00January 17, 2021NSA80 - 82The Fab Five 16:00:004:00 p.mN/A2021-01-10 15:00:00January 10, 2021The Fab Five69 - 76Heber 15:00:003:00 p.mN/A2020-12-15 21:30:00December 15, 2020Mix71 - 72The Fab Five 21:30:009:30 p.mN/A2020-12-13 14:00:00December 13, 2020The Fab Five65 - 59Enigma 14:00:002:00 p.mN/A2020-12-06 15:00:00December 6, 2020Balkan A73 - 62The Fab Five 15:00:003:00 p.mN/A2020-11-25 20:30:00November 25, 2020The Fab Five88 - 79CSKA 20:30:008:30 p.mN/A2020-11-18 20:30:00November 18, 2020Locomotive 202078 - 74The Fab Five 20:30:008:30 p.mN/A2020-11-09 20:30:00November 9, 2020The Fab Five89 - 70Champion 2006 20:30:008:30 p.mN/A2020-11-02 21:00:00November 2, 2020Athletic75 - 103The Fab Five 21:00:009:00 p.mN/A2020-10-26 20:30:00October 26, 2020The Fab Five54 - 68Directioner 20:30:008:30 p.mN/A2020-10-16 20:30:00October 16, 2020Sportsman86 - 61The Fab Five 20:30:008:30 p.mN/A