1. The Bulgarian Basketball Federation fully owns the rights to hold the State Championship (SP) for men of "A" and "B" group on the basis of Article 27 paragraph 1 item 4 of the Law on Physical Education and Sports.

2. According to the contract for holding a basketball championship dated 25.06.2020, the Bulgarian Basketball Federation (BBF) will organize, with the assistance of the Bulgarian Basketball Association (BBO) (called in the Rules the "organizers"), a championship at the Bulgarian Basketball League (BBL) - "A" and B group.


3. The right to participate in the State championships of BBL "A" group and BBL "B" group - men, have the BC that are members of BF Basketball and meet the following conditions:

3.1. By June 5 of each year, submit to the BBO an official request for participation in the DP, addressed to the BSE, according to a template from a person who has the right to represent the club, a designated contact person and an E-mail for official correspondence;

3.2. By June 15 of each year, transfer via bank transfer to the BSE account a deposit of BGN 1,000 for BBL "A" group and BGN 600 for BBL "B" group, which will be deducted at the end of the 2023 season /2024.

3.3. Have no financial obligations to FIBA, FIBA Europe and/or BF Basketball, nor to the coaches or players working under a written contract with BC;

3.4. In the terms stipulated by these Rules, they have registered a minimum of 10 different eligible competitors, for each of their teams, and at least one coach holding the necessary license for "A" and/or B group - men.


4. BBL "A" and "B" group championships are held for men's teams. Wherever the word "championship" is mentioned in the Rules, it means the BBL men's championship.

5. The championship includes regular season, playoffs, playoffs and national finals.

5.1. The teams that participated in the regular season are also committed to participating in the playoffs and national finals, but on the condition that they have qualified for them;

5.2. Clubs whose teams leave the championship, regardless of the stage in the championship, are subject to the following sanctions:

5.2.1. Deduction of all points received from the support system by the MMC during the current sports-competition year in the BBL;

5.2.2. They lose their place in the BBL, and if they want to participate in the BBL in the next sports competition season, they go through qualifications if it is necessary to replenish the group;

5.2.3. Deprivation of all trophies won from the current BBL season.

5.2.4. They owe a fine equal to all fees for the remaining league matches.

6. The championships will be held on a tournament basis by region.

7. For the 2023/2024 season, the BBL championship divides Bulgaria into 4 regions - West, Center, East and South. For the central city in each region, the following are accepted: West - Sofia, Center - Veliko Tarnovo, East - Varna and South - Plovdiv.

8. An internal championship is held in each region. After the playoffs, a national final tournament is organized. The format of the National Finals is described in Chap

9. The meetings are held in halls specified by the Organizers, meeting all the requirements of FIBA, BSF and BBO, in conditionally designated centers by region.

10. Participating clubs are entitled to claim one home fixture per half-season.

10.1. All clubs located at a distance of no greater than 250 kilometers from the conditionally defined center for the respective region can apply for hosting (item 7).

10.2. In order to host a tournament, the halls in which the clubs declare hosting must meet all the conditions and requirements of FIBA, BBF and BBO.

10.3. Homestead is declared and determined prior to the start of the season when the entire regular season schedule is drawn up.

11. The championship will be held with no less than 8 men's teams in each region. An exception will be allowed at the proposal of the BBO and the consent of the BSE.

12. The championship is held by region in a format - regular season each against each, in 2 or 3 rotations (determined by the number of teams in the respective region). After the end of the regular season, a playoff phase takes place, in series of up to 2 wins from 3 games.

13. The program for the championship is drawn up 5 days after the drawing of lots during the technical conference before the start of the current season and is sent by e-mail to the team managers no later than 20 days before the start of the championship. If a team does not agree with the date or start time specified in the program for any of the matches, its manager must notify the BBL in writing (via e-mail) within 72 hours after the program is sent.

14. All matches are held according to the current official FIBA basketball rules.


15. Judges and representative on duty

15.1. Each meeting is staffed by a minimum of two judges and one representative on duty.

15.2. Referee fees are determined and recorded in the BBF table, which regulates the amount of fees for officials serving basketball competitions;

15.3. Men's BBL "A" and "B" group matches are officiated by referees licensed by the BBF;

15.4. For the matches of the BBL "A" group - men, on-duty representatives licensed by the BBF are appointed;

16. Secretarial apparatus – The organizer uses BSE-licensed persons for the secretarial apparatus: secretary, timekeeper and 24-second timer.

16.1. Secretaries must be dressed in uniform - shirts, jerseys, jackets, tracksuits or other. In the event that the organizer provides clothing to the secretaries, the entire secretarial apparatus for the meeting must be dressed in it.

16.2. The activity of the secretarial apparatus and the strict performance of their duties is controlled by the representative on duty at the meeting and/or the representative of the BBO.

17. Statisticians – The organizer ensures keeping of field computer statistics live, of the game indicators of the matches of the championship.

17.1. A copy of the statistical record shall be made available at half-time and after the conclusion of the match to the duty representative of the match and to the participating teams, as well as to any representatives of the mass media who so request.

17.2. The statistical data are sent by e-mail to the BBO with a copy to the BSE no later than 30 minutes after the end of the meeting.

18. Doctor on duty – The organizer provides a medical person to the competition, appointed by order of a medical center or medical facility. Medical persons without an appointment, but with a valid Certificate of membership in the Bulgarian Medical Association, are also admitted.

18.1. A doctor of a team participating in the same competition cannot be appointed as a medical person on duty at the competition.

18.2. If a medical person appointed by order does not appear, the meeting cannot begin.

19. Photographer – The organizers provide a photographer for the championship matches.

20. Videographers – The organizers provide filming of the championship matches in accordance with the agreements between BBF and BBO.

21. Speaker/informer - Sounding the hall with music is permissible during the warm-up, one-minute breaks, breaks between periods of play, as well as during the match, but only when the ball is dead.

21.1. It is not allowed to sound the hall with music during the game.

21.2. The audience is not allowed to use musical instruments, trumpets, sirens, drums and additional loudspeakers located less than 10 meters from the judges' table or the team benches.

21.3. During a BBL meeting, the radio equipment in the hall may only be used by the appointed informer for current information of the audience.

21.4. The informant has no right during the periods or intervals of the game (including when the game is stopped) to make calls, make evaluations of referee decisions or the behavior of officials, competitors and others.

22. Security

22.1. Before each meeting, the organizers appoint a security coordinator for the meeting, who signs the minutes and is available to the senior judge and the representative on duty for interaction with the authorities of the relevant regional directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

22.2. The organizer shall notify the relevant police department or licensed security company in writing no later than 48 hours before a scheduled meeting for:

22.2.1. the place, the starting time and the names of the teams that will play each other;

22.2.2. the expected number of spectators from the home team and the visiting team;

22.3. Each BC participating in the BBL must appoint a person in charge who enjoys authority among them to accompany the fans of their team. Companions must take measures according to Art. 17 para. 2 of the Law on the Preservation of Public Order in the Conduct of Sports Events (ZOORPSM).

23. Each team must have two teams - one in light and one in dark. Teams must be numbered according to FIBA requirements, with numbers 0, 00 and all integers from 1 to 99 allowed.


24. Serviceable technical equipment according to the requirements of the official FIBA basketball rules.

25. Board dimensions 180 cm (+3 cm) horizontally and 105 cm (+2 cm) vertically. The bottom and side edges of the backboards must be secured with padding according to the requirements of the Official Basketball Rules of FIBA.

26. Mounted on the backboard, special breakable hoops that give way freely under direct load on them - according to the requirements of the Official Basketball Rules of FIBA.

27. Replacement basketball backboard of suitable transparent material with a breakable ring, according to the requirements of the Official FIBA Basketball Rules, ready for installation.

28. Bar for measuring the height of basketball hoops.

29. Information board, counting the duration downward from 10 min. to 0 min.

30. Device for 24 seconds, stopping separately from the information board, with 4 or 2 monitors, counting the period down from 24 seconds. to 0 sec. and placed according to the requirements of the Official Basketball Rules of FIBA.

31. Equipment with at least two distinctly different signals with a very loud sound according to the requirements of Art. 3.4.3 of the Official FIBA Basketball Rules.

32. Radio equipment with a microphone.

33. Tables for the number of player fouls and signal indicators for team fouls, meeting the requirements and dimensions of the Official FIBA Basketball Rules.

34. Alternative possession arrow.

35. Permanent Internet connection for the needs of statistics.

36. The hall must have 14 seats located in the team bench area for: head coach, coach, up to five team management or companions /manager, doctor and others/ and up to seven regular reserve athletes registered in the competition protocol. The head coach of the team is responsible for the persons who took places on the bench.

37. Spectators are not allowed in the sports halls, in which there is a stand for spectators behind the reserve bench of the visiting team - on the first three (3) rows necessarily, and at the discretion of the representative on duty at the meeting - up to five (5) rows. Vacated rows may only be used by persons or supporters designated by the management of the away team. This requirement also applies to sports halls in which protective visors are installed over the teams.

38. The temperature in the hall during the meetings should not be below 16C.

39. Basketballs - Organizers shall provide at least four (4) warm-up and playable balls that meet the requirements of the Official FIBA Basketball Rules. Balls should be size N 7.


40. No later than 30 minutes before the announced start time of each meeting, the representatives of the participating teams are obliged to hand over to the secretarial table a sample team sheet. In case of failure to appear on time or submission of incorrectly completed team documents, the representative on duty at the meeting and/or the regional organizer of the BBO have the right to sanction the BC with a fine in the amount of 150/one hundred and fifty/BGN.

40.1. The team sheet must include the names, file number and team numbers of all eligible competitors from the team that will participate in the upcoming meeting, and the number of registered competitors must be at least 8 and at most 12;

40.2. The names of the competitors must be arranged in ascending order of their team numbers, and after the names of the stable captains, the abbreviation "KAP" must be written;

40.3. All other members of the team bench staff (coach, assistant coach and team attendants) who are entitled to stand in the team bench area during the match must also be entered on the team sheet;

40.4. Competitors whose names are not entered in the team sheet handed to the secretary's table before the start of the meeting cannot participate in the meeting, nor can the team sheet be supplemented after the start of the meeting;

41. No later than 30 minutes before the announced start time of each match, representatives of the participating teams must have paid a match fee in the amount of BGN 300 per team for BBL "A" group and BGN 250 per team for BBL "B" group.

42. To start each match, each of the two teams must have at least eight eligible players ready to play. If the number of competitors is less than eight, the club owes a fine of BGN 150 / one hundred and fifty BGN /.


43. Each club participating in BBL "A" and "B" group - men, must register a minimum of 10 different players for each of its teams in the different groups, no later than 15.09.2023.

43.1. The maximum allowed number per card file for each team is 22 competitors.

44. For the registration of the players and coaches in the representative teams in the championship of BBL "A" group - men, for the season 2023/2024, an authorized representative of BC, who is responsible for the regularity of the submitted documents, is required to submit:

44.1. Sample list-form with all data filled out electronically. The list must be sent in the electronic format in which it was received at the BC email from the BBO email -;

44.2. Declaration from BC that there are no payments due to coaches and athletes as of September 1, 2022;

44.3. Declaration by BC that it accepts all disputes in connection with the imposition of administrative and disciplinary measures and sanctions to be decided by the BSE authorities and the decisions of the BSE authorities are not subject to judicial appeal;

44.4. Competition card for the competitors and coaching card for the coaches, issued by the BBF;

44.5. A copy of the form for the periodic medical examination of the competitor according to the requirements for the relevant age group of Regulation No. 8 of 18.03.2005 of the Ministry of Health for the medical insurance of sports, physical culture and tourist competitions and events;

44.6. Declaration of participation (original on paper, which remains with the organizers and is not returned for any reason) according to the template provided by the BBL, filled in and signed by the competitor himself. For contestants under 18 years of age, a declaration is submitted according to the template provided by the BBL, completed and signed by the parents/guardians;

44.7. File registration fee - the fee is BGN 50 for each athlete and coach submitted to the BSF.

44.8. Portrait photo – before the start of the first basketball game of his team in which he will participate, the player must be photographed by a BBL photographer.

44.9. International transfer permission from FIBA (Letter of Clearance) for athletes whose last record was in another country's championship, regardless of which division. This requirement also applies to Bulgarian competitors who have recently competed in another country. The procedure for issuing a LOC is started by the Bulgarian Basketball Federation after sending a written request according to a sample from the basketball club. For each LOC BC pays the amount of 250 Swiss francs directly to FIBA after receiving the payment link. FIBA does not consider the procedure to have started without payment.

44.10. The card file fee for each competitor who does not have Bulgarian citizenship is BGN 500 (due from the BBF to FIBA according to Art. 75.2 and 76.1 of the rules of FIBA Europe for the competitions)

45. The registration of players in BBL - men is carried out in two transfer periods:

45.1. First period - before the beginning of the sports - competition year, no later than 5:00 p.m. on 15.09.2023, as the minimum number of 10 athletes for each team must be filled;

45.2. Second period – after completion of the first round in the respective group until 17:00 on 01.03.2024. During this period you can:

45.2.1. To register new players who are currently not registered in another club participating in the BBL for the 2023/2024 season;

45.2.2. Players registered in a club participating in the BBL for the 2023/2024 season, to transfer to another club participating in the BBL;

45.2.3. Competitors who have already been registered should be disqualified.

45.3. In any case, the total number of 22 competitors must not be exceeded or the minimum number of 10 competitors listed in the previous points must not be violated.

45.4. Club players participating in club teams in the junior state championships can be carded in the BBL with no restrictions on numbers or time limits.

45.5. Competitors of the club born in 2002 or later, part of the club's teams, can be registered in the BBL without restrictions on number and terms.

46. In the team list of a BC team participating in the BBL championship, it is permissible to include players who are regularly registered in another team of the club, but under the following conditions:

46.1. One athlete of the club without age limit, registered in another of its teams;

46.2. There is no limit for competitors born in 2002 or later.

47. BC can card its own players competing in the NBL in its teams in the BBL only on the condition that they were born in 2002 or after.

48. Competitors born during or after 2004 who are registered in the Youth League at a club with a BBL team may be registered with another club with a BBL team. Carding is finalized after submission of a signed Declaration form from the club holding the player's rights, from which it is clear that the club will not use the player in its BBL team until the end of the current season.

49. Competitors who have participated in the current season of the NBL or those who have competed outside of Bulgaria with the issuance of an LOC, are not entitled to be carded in teams participating in the BBL B group, unless they were born in 2002 or after.

50. For a correct card file of a competitor during the season, it is considered if all the conditions of point 44 are met, no later than 72 hours before the start time of an upcoming team meeting.

50.1. If the conditions are met less than 72 hours before the start of a match, the player will not be eligible to play in the upcoming match, but will be eligible to play from the team's next match;

51. A competitor registered in a club participating in the BBL does not have the right to be registered in other clubs participating with teams in the BBL.

52. Prohibition on carding - BCs that have financial obligations to FIBA, FIBA Europe, BBF, BBL, coaches working under a written contract with BC and/or athletes with a professional contract, do not have the right to carding athletes until the obligation is paid in Full size.

53. Each team has the right to card up to 7 persons who do not have competition rights, but are part of the staff of the team bench of the respective team (coaches, assistant coaches and team companions) during the meetings of the championship. Non-carded persons are not allowed to be entered on the team sheet and are not allowed to be in the team bench area of the respective team. Such persons may be carded up to 72 hours prior to the announced start time of any regular season game of the team desiring to card such persons. After the end of the regular season, carding of such persons is not allowed.

54. In order for a person to be carded by the staff of the team bench, who is not carded as a competitor, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of point 44, and a medical certificate is not required for him. Any person registered as a competitor is entitled to be a member of the team bench staff without paying an additional fee.


55. A BC participant in the BBL championship for the 2023/2024 season has the right to card up to 4 players born in 2002 or later, owned by another club. In this case, carding is carried out at the request of the BC participant in the BBL championship for the specific players, after the written consent of the club to which they are owned.

56. Players participating in the teams of a club which does not have a team in the BBL for the 2023/2024 season, competing in the State Junior Championships, may be carded without restriction. In this case, carding is carried out at the request of the BC participant in the BBL championship for the specific players, after the written consent of the club to which they are owned.

57. In order for a competitor with a dual license to be carded regularly, the conditions of point 44 must be met.


58. Postponement of a match is allowed only in force majeure circumstances, and the team leader must notify the organizers and the opposing team of these circumstances.


59. Filing and consideration of contestations is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the Official Basketball Rules of FIBA.

60. A team may file a challenge if its interests are adversely affected by:

60.1. an error by the scorer, timekeeper, or timekeeper at 24 seconds that was not corrected by the judges;

60.2. a decision to award forfeiture, cancel, postpone, not proceed or not hold a meeting;

60.3. violation of the applicable filing rules.

61. To be admissible, the contestation must comply with the following procedure:

61.1. The captain of the same team (CAP) must, no later than 15 minutes after the end of the match, notify the senior referee that his team is contesting the result of the match by signing in the minutes of the match, in the place marked "Signature of the captain in case of contestation;

61.2. The team must write the reasons for the contestation and give them to the senior referee, no later than 1 hour after the end of the meeting;

62. In the event that the contestation is rejected, the BC that filed the contestation owes a fine in the amount of BGN 200, which must be transferred within three days after the rejection to the account of the BSE.

63. Contestations are considered by the Contestation Committee, consisting of one representative of the BFF, BBO and SK to the BFF, within 48 hours after receiving them, but no later than 4 hours before the start of the next meeting of the club.


64. An unstarted or incomplete match due to imposed objective reasons, if it cannot be started or resumed up to 30 minutes after the announced starting time or interruption, is held or played over under conditions and starting time determined by the organizers after a report from the representative on duty.

65. A meeting that has not started due to the non-appearance of a doctor on duty can only be held if a legally competent doctor appointed by a lawful order appears within 30 minutes after the announced start time of the meeting.


66. In cases where the appointed duty representative of the federation does not appear, the senior judge appoints his deputy from among those present in the hall eligible for BBL "A" group - men, duty representatives or takes over his functions in the absence of one.

67. In case of non-appearance of one of the appointed judges at a meeting, the senior judge present decides whether to terminate the meeting or to appoint one of those present in the courtroom eligible for "A" group - men, judges.

68. If the appointed judges do not appear, the representative on duty, if possible, appoints legally competent for "A" group - men, judges.

69. When the appointed representative on duty and judges do not appear in the hall, the meeting is rescheduled, with the organizers determining the date and time.


70. Official loss of a meeting is awarded by:

70.1. The senior referee of the meeting, based on Article 20 of the Official Basketball Rules of FIBA;

70.2. The organizers when including in a game an irregular competitor and/or a competitor with suspended competition rights;

71. Organizers may impose official loss:

71.1. in case of non-implementation by BC of a decision of: BSE body (BSE General Assembly, BSE Management Board, Ethics Commission, Arbitration Commission, DAS) or BBO body;

71.2. in case of non-payment within the term mentioned in these Rules of the match fee and/or a fine imposed by the authorities of the BSE and/or BBO.

72. A BC representative team that has suffered a second official loss, due to no-show or leaving a match, ceases to participate in the "A" group - men, taking last place in the "A" group - men, and cannot receive funding from MMS.


73. The final ranking of the teams, participants in "A" group - men, is carried out according to the established system for conducting the DP.

74. In a 12-team format in a given championship group, the last-placed team in the final regular season standings is relegated, with the champion of the lower group taking its place if desired. The team ranked 11th plays a play-off against the team that finished second in the lower group.

75. If a team ceases participation in the DP BBL - men, before the end of the first half-season of the championship, the results achieved are cancelled.

75.1. If a team suspends participation in the BBL - Men, between half-seasons or during the second half-season of the championship, the results achieved in the first half-season of the championship shall be preserved, and for all its matches from the second half of the championship, it shall be awarded forfeits.

76. In cases where a team participating in a match under the "playoff" system is awarded an official loss, the team ceases to participate in the following rounds, and the series of meetings is interrupted, awarding a victory in the series to the other team.

76.1. A team that lost a "playoff" series due to non-appearance or leaving a match does not have the right to participate in the next round of the stage.


77. Cups and medals are awarded to the teams ranked in the first three places in each region in the championship and in the first three places in the National Finals.

77.1. Additional individual statuettes and/or material prizes may be awarded to individual competitors for their achievements, at the discretion of the organizers.


78. After the completion of the BBL Regional Championships of the current season, National Finals are held which are an integral part of the BBL Championships.

79. Semi-finalist clubs in the four regional championships (West, Center, East, South) are eligible to participate in the BBL National Finals.

80. The format of the national finals for group A and B will be specified and fixed by the BBO until 25.06.2023, according to the number of registered teams by group and by region, after the finalization of deposit collection procedures.

81. The champion of the BBL "A" group - men, receives the right to participate in the NBL upon meeting all the requirements.


82. The BBF holds the exclusive rights for advertising, for radio and television broadcasting of all sports competitions organized by it, providing on a contractual basis a percentage of the proceeds of the sports clubs - participants in the competition.

83. BCs have the right to place unlimited advertisements on the official race team, as long as this does not interfere with the clear visibility of the race number.

83.1. BC is not required to place the BBL logo on the team's official competition kit;

83.2. It is forbidden to put logos of other leagues on the official competition team of BC.


81. BC is obliged to participate actively and dedicatedly in initiatives, campaigns and projects of BBL related to the promotion of BBL, sponsorship activations and the marketing strategy that BBL follows, by providing competitors and/or coaches at the request of BBL in a predetermined place, date and time.

82. BCs participating in the BBL are obliged to comply with the provisions of the Bulgarian legislation, FIBA, FIBA Europe, BBF and BBL.

83. BC participants in the BBL are obliged to ensure the adequate behavior of all members of the representative team (coaches, players, guide, accompanying persons), as well as their fans during the basketball meetings.

84. This document defines the rules according to which the championship of the Bulgarian Basketball League "A" and "B" group is held in all regions - West, Center, East and South.
